Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Full fledged snowstorm

The winds howled all night and when H wanted out for a pee at 5:30, it was the fastest pee break I have seen her take. It was a complete whiteout snow storm day. Coffee and computer work for us both then I went to lightly sand the cabinet and paint the red case/ box. S bundled up and went out to roll a bale for the horses. First, he shoveled the step so I put H's coat on and sent her out to spend a bit of time outside but it was not long of course at -5. S was back in and made a hot drink to warm up in big brown then had a nap.

In the garage, I worked on the case painting a couple colors allowing to dry in between. I worked on accounting and blog work during this drying time. With a hot chai tea I wrote a Hometalk post for the stenciled chair. A bowl of goulash then I was back out to the garage clear coating the case. S decided his TV room was dusty so asked how to dust and gave it a go, YEAH!

The cabinet had more black stain touchups done on the front edge then I installed decoupage paper in the drawer. This required cutting to size, ironing and gluing in place and sealing but it looks lovely.

Time to add transfers to the case. Once the case had all the transfers on I clear coated it again and came in to eat leftovers for supper.

We were just finishing when Britt, Dave and Cooper arrived around 6. B was sent home from work early with the roads crappy. This allowed her to feed horses while still light out and check their casts and blankets. All was well. Dave brought us all hot teas which we had while visiting with B joining us after her tasks. 

this is what the finished casts look like, cool heh?

They headed home at 7 and I headed back to the garage. The case was clear coated again then I moved on to the purple chair that has been on hold since I repainted the seat. I am not a fan of the whitewash wax look so repainted the chair. On the repainted seat I went with a new songbird stencil seeing the transfer issues would probably happen again. I like it much better now.

S had sports watching and laptop action but did go out and unstuck the quad B got stuck. I finished up washing brushes and came in at 9 to catch up the blog. S braved the storm and went out for a hot tub claiming it was calm in that area thanks to the shelter walls. I crawled into bed at 9:30 to finish the season of Dubai Bling and peruse a few others. S was back in showered and in bed on his phone reading "news". The snow let up about 4 today but the wind continued to howl until 11:30 when it finally eased up and after midnight things were clear and still.

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