Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Pretty hoar frost day

It was -25 when we awoke but today it was foggy creating loads of hoar frost which is so pretty. H did ask once to go out at 2:55 but quickly went to her bed then again at 5 am but I just put her in the garage. I think the pattern is going to be broke soon fingers crossed. S was checking his bids first thing after getting the coffee going. I worked on the computer as the sun popped out but at 10:30 it dropped to -27!!

I continued working on the blog and tutorials while S watched the bids close. Many went super high surprisingly. Sadly, he lost out on his sword and battle helmet bidding right up to the last minute. S went out before 1:30 to check the Christmas lights that have not been coming on and to bring his hockey equipment bag in. I finished up the purple chair tutorial but won't post for a few days. 

I could not put buckets down and get phone out fast enough to capture their run to food

Harley and I ventured out to feed the horses who beat us to the barn paddock from the far trees. She went out coatless and was holding up her frozen feet yet when I had S call her to the garage, she grabbed the ball to play. When done feeding all we came in so she could warm her feet on the heated floor. I worked more on the jewelry box repairs while S hosed off some of his hockey equipment. He and Dave are going to play shinny tomorrow.

Inside he was back to his laptop and I working on the blog and tutorials and sorted receipts for my biz. Fresh guacamole was made as a 4 pm snack while S watched the last half of the season finale of HOTD. We had soup and biscuits for supper making non cooking day bonus. I fine-tuned the jewelry box edges I filled before crawling into bed early to relax. Dave stopped out with Cooper who would not do his business on a walk before 8. He was here only about 10 minutes with S showing him where to register for hockey tomorrow and they headed home as B had an after-work dinner. 

S and I then watched the rest of the first White Lotus and decided it was not a show we liked and started a new one called Succession. This one we liked and watched 2 episodes before lights out.

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