Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Poor Harley's cheek is worse

When I let H out this am after feeding her I saw her left cheek was puffy so washed with a warm rag and found it bloody and crusty. I cleaned it up, used a pyro wipe then rubbed on polysporin in hopes of helping it heal. S got coffee going and our day underway. He did computer news while I got some marketing done then I went out to start painting the pots. One got blue to go with cactus transfers, one soft pink to go with florals and the other a warm white for a base but not sure what I am doing graphic wise. I hauled out more transfers to try and decide for other projects.

S ran out to let cats out and fill water then got reading his Nostradamus book in bed. I continued on the pot projects adding a gold mandala stencil on half and let dry and other touch ups.

 I loaded the rug cleaner but saw Harley's owie face had rubbed blood on the front mat so will clean later today. We loaded up at noon and headed to town with the first stop lunch with Dad. He ate his lunch himself then he and I stopped to visit Sheldon and check the melting snow out. It is plus 5 today but overcast. We carried on to his room where I filled his Cheetos container and he had some while relaxing in his chair. 

We were off after 1, I dropped S at his shinny game then off to do Christmas shopping along with a few groceries, and 2 other colors of Christmas cactus. I picked up a couple parcels at the Purolator drop off then arrived to pick up S after 3. I chauferred us home to unload my goodies, S his bag and inside then I went out to feed horses. H cheek seems worse so I cleaned it well again with betadine water and dried it then gave her supper. I booked her in with a vet Thursday am.

she rubbed it in the snow ;(

I then was back to my paint projects doing another coat of blue, clear coating the pink, stenciling the other side of the one and painting the tin a warm white finally planning to do a peony collage.

I came in at 5 to catch the news and eat leftover chicken supper with S who was awake from a nap after reading his book. I shampooed the entry rug, caught up the blog then was back out working on pots while S perused the net in big brown. I started transfers on the pink cup and was starting the painting on the last pot when B arrived.

She helped me clip, scrub and treat Harley's cheek. It looks yucky and far worse than the last few days poor girl. B and Coop then headed home. H's bedding was all changed too including a big quilt laid on our bedroom floor as she really wanted to lay in there when I moved into the bedroom to read. S joined me in bed to read as well with our usual yogurt fruit bowl.

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