Thursday, April 28, 2022

Vet & farrier day

I awoke to hear S filling coffee pot after 7 but then he was back to bed. I started the pot and made us each a mug delivering his to the spare room. Once he was up and at it we had a chat to get our day planned. He also presented me with my birthday gift; a belt sander he thinks will make my job easier ;) Then he fed H and I let the cats out and met in the hot tub for a morning soak start. The sunny day looks promising. Back inside where Shaina was up and on her laptop was a quick rinse and breakfast. B text to say Dr Jordan was coming early so could I catch horses. 

S was in a phone meeting again wandering around the yard as I wrangled the horses and B pulled in. The vet and tech were here soon after at 11. They got busy starting with Pepper and Bird for acupuncture and chiro as the skies darkened to the west. Switch and Roo were tied to the hitching post on deck.

S pushed the hay on the grass by the pasture gate into a pile as I scooped poop then I got him hemp oil for this bison head to apply before he came in for lunch. The dark skies let out a skiff of snow then the sun was back out. Roo, Switch (I took her in) and Beibs had dental work done next in the barn with Switch also getting a neck adjustment.

The vet mobile was off just before 2 and B headed to town after putting horses away leaving Cooper while she did errands. Trying to the the TV AJ had scored for Dad to test the cable and receiver on the deck had some issues. The kitchen TV and receiver were then hauled out and proved the wiring to work fine.

B was back before 3:30 and kindly caught and tied Switch to the hitching post. The barefoot farrier arrived at 3:30 and did Switch's trim, booked for the other 4 in 3 weeks and was off. S talked to bell and got the receiver going. on the deck. B and I decided to pen up the ponies, Switch and Roo in the closest paddock as a diet pen and the other 4 in the winter and far paddocks. This required water to the far trough so she closed and opened all the far gates while I set the trough ready and S got the water going. I let the 4 out and all was under way. B then was off to meet Sharon to check Timba's healing process after a leg wound. S and I hung up the one set of solar lights along the deck.

B stopped back quick before 6 to get Cooper then meet Gran at OJ's for supper. The fancy charcoal barbeque was started then S whipped up bison burgers as I prepped a pouch of sweet potato which he put on when hot. I also made up a kale salad and once all were ready we enjoyed it on the deck with the news there ;)

We moved the TV to the deck edge and got prepped for the Flames game then hit the tub. I stayed until 8 feeling tuckered so headed in to relax in bed watching more QOTS while S continued his hockey viewing. Sadly for him the Flames lost in OT but he found Oilers OT game to watch along with texting his hot tub pics to friends and family of this playoff set up progress. He came in after 10 and was on the phone and such but I fell asleep by then.

Sheldon's view above and my view from room as he is texting these pics

getting dark but still in slowly turning to a raisin :)

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