Thursday, April 21, 2022

Queens birthday

Today is the queens 96th birthday and my freedom 55!! H needed out at 1:30 then again at 5:30 to do her business I think from the pork she got from Paetz's. B sent bday wishes at 6:45 on her way to work and the wishes continued thru the day. How lucky am I? I made an iced coffee to start my day, shared my birthday paint giveaway on my FB page then when Shaina got up she toasted us a bagel to split. I ran out to let out and feed cats, scoop up the poop piles then tested the spa water. Dang it looks like PH up again so I added chemicals, let them bubble then back out to close up.

isn't this the cutest bday wish video from Archie

Shaina was off to train Sharon at 10 and have a chiropractor appt. I had phone calls from Ma K and Sheldon and replied to more well wishes. I published Dad's table tutorial and posted on the proper sites and sent to the paint company.

She was back after 12 as I was plating up our spinach fruit salads. She picked up my free birthday Starbucks caramel macchiato, thanks dude! As we ate our delicious lunch the sun started to come out, yay!! Sheldon walked me thru adding muriatic acid as my test strip showed no change after chemicals this am.

the motley ranch animal crew

I wrote up an email for my subscribers to enter the birthday giveaway. Seeing B has a meeting that might run late I went and fed the horses for her. Pepper was being an ass so after he ate his carrot and pill and a bit of food he was kicked out and Bird got hers and his bowls. I then shoveled the sidewalks for my daily workout as the snow was thick and heavy. I tossed it into the flower beds to hydrate. It is plus 6 out now so all is starting to melt. I tested the tub again and found no difference, I give up, chemistry is not my thing ;)

Back to computer work sorting photos on the hard drive to make space and clean up. Shaina finished up and was ready right at 5:30. She drove us to the Station where we enjoyed a lovely supper. The Station is the only place that gives you a free $25 steak plus dessert on your birthday. I think we will be going there for B's birthday Monday too. Thanks for the drinks to go with it Shaina and the great visit reflecting on what I learned and would share as lessons over the last 55 years. She has also booked up pedicures Tuesday :)

We were back home after 7 and took Harley for a walk to get our steps in. Britt and Dave arrived with tulips, mums and chocolate covered strawberries, YUM!! Once they were devoured we all hit the hot tub for an hour long soak. Out at 10 I put in shock chemicals, showered then closed it up. B and D visited for a bit longer then headed home. I crawled into bed and watch more QOTS. What a lovely birthday!! THANK YOU for all who spoiled me with gifts, texts, messages, emails, phone calls etc. I appreciated every one.

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