Friday, April 1, 2022

April Fool's Day

I was wide awake at 7, H had slept in the garage and not made a peep, I let her in out after 7 to do her thing then back to garage till breakfast before 9. In the meantime S woke at 9 and made coffee.

Harley has a love hate with pressure washer, shop vac and house vacuum

His morning chore was to pressure wash the bison heads while I put a coat of purple paint on the end table. After lunch and a rest for the prince We (inc H) headed to town at 1:30 to get fuel, look for thick rope for the bison horns, grab a faucet kit then pick up Cooper at B's request. Back at the ranch the pups were off to play.

I started work on creating an Etsy post for the wood crate but needed another photo so staged it up and a few more of the tea post to make a post soon too.

S started pushing old hay in the pasture/paddocks into the pit and piles while I took the dogs for a 2 miles loop then to garage where I added another purple coat to the end table. I then got dressed for the Roughnecks game as S scraped behind the shop paddock. He changed, we had a beverage and chat before H & C were fed and we headed to the city.

entry video

It has been years since we have been to a lacrosse game and it was a great one at that going into sudden death overtime where they won. Back at the ranch around 10 we hit the hot tub. Back in bed I started a couple new series, I tried Taboo but too out there so switched to a Spark Joy but hate reading Japanese subtitles so watched a new season of Home Edit.

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