Monday, April 11, 2022

Garage day

H continues her nights in the garage yet I was wide awake at 6:30. It is -6 out, brrr. I checked on flight prices that stayed the same so I booked our flights to Victoria, we have a trip!! It stayed cold all morning but the sun was out so was very deceiving. I hustled around and finished the last of the tidying like moving H kennel out to deck and shaking bedding. I made a pot of coffee and called up Shaina to grab her cup before 9. H was fed then we opened the yard gate for the cleaning gal. H was really buzzing with Shaina home and the cleaning gal arriving so I sent her out with the last bison leg to occupy her. B text she got to work, took a covid test and was positive so was being sent home till Wednesday which had her distraught as her oral issue was to be fixed today but now will not happen for 2 weeks ;( Hopefully the antibiotics fix it before then.  I threw the bathroom rugs in the wash.

Off to the garage with my coffee to get the magazine rack finished and Shaina to her office after a couple cups. The rack turned out really nice even not being a huge green fan. The cats were taken food and let out into the frigid day. I started the bread box after changing my mind on the transfer to use. I painted it a coat of black. Sweeping and tidying was done in the garage as well.

Cleaning was complete after 1 with a confession of yet another broken item. This time it was my favorite fairy :( She is now headless poor girl. I did try gluing so will see the results. Time for the other pork salad portion as a late lunch. Shaina was up to eat the other tex mex shrimp meal then she was off to the gym after 2:30. I worked on the blog and tutorials and reserved a rental car for our trip, now to get accommodations :) Covid B arrived at 4:30 to feed followed closely behind by Shaina who was frustrated as she could not get into the gym to work out do to key fobs changing. B fed and was gone in short order.

Shaina was off to her office and I back to computer work. I made us my delicious spinach and fruit salad for supper and lured her up. She did a couple more checkins then plucked my eyebrows and we braved the cold -4+ winds. I put cats away with food then we headed to west trees. Be darned if the wind was not from direct north making no reprieve from the winds so it was a quick hustle to gate, back along and home. I made a tea and wrote a Hometalk post for the farmhouse nightstand, S was back to her office work. We headed out after 9 for an near 1 hour soak. This time I took the chemicals with me to put in after our soak then in to shower and back out to close up after. We had a protein snack of tuna then I had cottage cheese and pineapple then we headed to bed. I watched some Netflix of course.

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