Monday, January 24, 2022

Sun vacation booked

Today was a crazy weather day, the temperature was just above zero but the day was overcast and dreary. Coffee was had in bed after I fed H who went out at 7. I did some marketing while s did is computer work. Then I was onto travel shopping with S taking his next week off as vacation and wanting to get away. I searched out sunny vacations as well as driving south to possibly meet Deb and Chuck in Mesquite but on such a  short time window it was narrowed to sunny. I confirmed Britt could watch H with assistance from Shaina who was also invited to join us and work from the beach but she can't swing changes to her schedule at t.

Lunch and the news then after I had us a confirmed room at a place I had narrowed down in December. Cabo at the Barcelona Gran Faro and we are leaving Thursday!! This may be the only way I would have made the leap to travel during the pandemic. The weather had snow blowing in turning to rain then snow hovering around plus 2. H and I headed out to feed horses as instructed by the herd boss who has a condo board meeting tonight just before 3 when there was a break in the snow only to have it return as we were out there. I put away the cats and back in by 3:30. 

I did a we bit of packing then prepped veggies for supper and blended rest for H's meals and froze. She was fed then supper got started. Steak was cooked even in the near zero temps. Once cleaned up, S was off to the TV room and I got to catching up the blog with my iPad by my side. B arrived after 8 with Cooper for his potty business and S wrangled her into shaving his back. Not long and she and Coop were off for home and S back to hockey until I heard J outside. Seems he may have left the door open while getting the ranger out to load Xmas deck decor. During a break he quickly went out and put cats to bed then back to the game. I crawled into bed at 9:30 to watch my iPad. I almost finished season 3 before tuckering out. After the Flames won S was off to sleep.

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