Tuesday, January 4, 2022

So cold again, What a night!

Oh how the winds howled thru the night, poor horses. I checked the clock and temps often and when H came in after 7 she was not interested in going outside but did go into the garage. The house was cool 18 but heater was running. Another extreme cold warning was issued in the night. When Shaina was up before 9 to heat water she let H back in who was most excited to eat. As I passed the thermostat I saw the house was now 17 and brisk. Outdoor temp is -27 with who knows what kind of wind chill. The horses were covered in snow. H and I ran out quick to pull off the intake cover and get the heat going then put on a pot of coffee. I fed her and snapped some pics of the horses before they ran to the arena.

How Roo stays warm, being mean to others

Bird makes a run for it to join the others and when I turn to get a coffee and look back they are all gone!

I made S a coffee and delivered to her in a meeting and got busy marketing. I took Shaina a second coffee during her meeting and watered basement plants. The poor furnace is working overtime at at 11 am it is only 18 in the house. Shaina was supposed to train Sharon at 11 but she again did not plug jeep in and today it would not start. At least the sun poked out at 11 now making it look warmer but still the furnace cannot seem to catch up to the -26 plus a wind chill temps. I created new sale online ads. 

This video shows the weather change with the sun out,  as well as these 3 racing and bucking along the tree line, into the closest paddock back to the gat where Bird biffed it then they looped a couple times around. However after checking my 2 minute video actually was only 2 seconds ;(

I started the truck then when Shaina finished up her online training with Sharon we bundled up along with Harley and went to blanket KD and Switch after dumping poop out of the big feed tub (dumb horses) and  carrying a couple bales down to refill. 

Shaina shot this video

Shaina plugged in her Jeep while I loaded a couple chairs and dropped them at the gate for a lady and went to let Oscar Gosling out for a pee. At -26 it did not take him long. This weeks Hello Fresh was delivered just after I got back.

A bowl of chili when I got back then instead of our planned coffee visit Sharon and I did it via phone. An hour and a half later we wrapped it till next time. Time to move my store around and have Shaina help me move the blue dresser up for proper photos. This step always takes time and then the lighting was too awkward so more tomorrow. 

The grinch tree was released and required Bruce to clean up the bits of greenery.

The HF is meals for 4 and seeing this is Sheldon first Tuesday shift change and wont make it for supper I cooked Shaina and I salmon and roasted veggies for supper. Britt and Coop were out quick to feed. I sent Harley out in her coat too to play for a bit. B had her back and headed home in short order waiting on standby to called into work again. I was working on and finished a Hometalk post for one of the past farmhouse dining tables. I am on a mission to catchup posts. Shaina left to the gym at 7:30 as I started writing a tutorial for the plant pot I painted after breaking one. Then the usual sharing all over :)

Shaina was back home at 9:30 as I was finishing up on the computer and moving to bed to finish season 5 of This Is Us. The final season starts tonight on TV. Sheldon text at supper his plane was delayed 2 hours so it will make for a late cold night for him ;(  It then turned to 3+ hours. Kaylin text pictures of Lexi's eye at 11:30, poor girl it seems to be not improving after the 2 surgeries. She has her follow up appointment Thursday but I worry it needs to be seen ASAP as does B.

I started the new Queer Eye season watching 2 hours then finished up my Netflix at 1 and just started to drift when B text at 1:30 am she got the call to come in for the surgery!! I touched base with S who had landed but was stuck on the tarmac with no crew to unload the plane. They ended up sitting on the plane longer then the actual flight.

I drifted again and woke with a start at 4:30 having not heard S get home. I text and no answer but not long after he pulled into the yard drove to the shop to plug in skid steer. I let H out who was not a fan of the -27 so they both came in. Turns out after finally getting the unloading crew he got to his car and found not only the battery dead but the battery pack as well so had to wait for a boost for over an hour. He had to find a phone cable, brush his teeth and hit the sheets at 4:50 am, wow that is a long day! But it did not end here, I will carry on on tomorrows post.

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