Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Last day of winter

No photos taken today so sharing this one from last January 12, more snow then than now

It was still blustery when I woke after 7, Har even waited for a bit to go out. The list of things running thru my head to pack or do before we go is getting shorter. I did find an eye lash gal only to have her reply her sister just tested positive for the dreaded covid. Well there is another off the list. After the usual start I jumped in the shower to check off another box; shave legs seeing I could not get to my sugar gal. :)

I worked on the nightstand tutorial while waiting to check in for our trip at 10 am. S went and rolled a bale out for the horses seeing it was -1 and ground still froze then back in to finalize bison. I managed to get us all checked in and changed our seats to the emergency row that usually has more leg room. More was packed in both our bags. Kaylin text Lexi's follow up says her eye has healed 98%!! Yay! Plants were watered up and down as next item on the list.

The fridge is getting bare as we try and finish up stuff which made for a perfect time to wipe it out. Dishes were washed up too then after lunch I gel polished my nails. How I am missing my roomie who would be so handy to do the right hand and could dye my eyelashes. :) Or my talented nail gal who we also asked to join us but who has a covid kid at home.

I finished the matching nightstand tutorial then had to do all the usual shares on sites, emails to sponsors and update spreadsheets. S took Harley out at 2:30 for a walk in the hurricane winds that picked up around lunch. It is however plus 3 on the positive side. The sun came out at 3 as I was making up her food dishes and they arrived back. I spent the next couple hours updating blog posts that had link errors in them. So much for my passive income revenue when they were wrong! However by the end of it I learned what caused my errors that also had been part of the Hometalk issues awhile back.

I soaked the horse feed for B when H got her supper then back to computer work. I made goulash as my last cooking for 8 days supper. S remembered he forgot to get a prescription so ran to town, filled the merc with gas and grabbed a belt for it too. I started eating after 6 just as he was getting back. He did not check his Flames game time only to find it half over so scooted off to the TV room.

I scheduled some posts for the next few days then went and cleaned out the car. We are leaving it at the Mercedes dealer to have a recall issue fixed. The sanded furniture pieces were covered with the blankets and Harley's ear drops put in. I was catching up the blog when Britt called at 8:30  on her way out having just spent 2 1/2 hours with a fire alarm salesman. She WON a gift after taking a survey shared by her neighbor and knew not of the free gifts with sales presentation ploy. The guy worked long and hard and persistently on her the whole time but luckily she was able to keep saying no and ended up with her free gift, 2 1/2 hours wasted and a big life lesson: There are no free gifts without a catch.

She arrived to let poor Cooper out to do his business after a very long time holding it. She was talking to Grama P to warn her she had given her name and number to said salesman and to not answer the call. Then she was off to feed her horses, back in for a quick visit and grab a covid test then off for home at 9:30. I did last minute chores then headed to bed to relax and watch from McLeod's Daughters. S was off to sleep after his hockey game and a shower.

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