Friday, January 21, 2022

Harley goes to the vet

H went for her potty break at 5:30 then back to her cushion. I called vet clinic to get an appointment today for her ear infection that is not clearing right at 8 and got one for 4 pm today. S text that his deer head results finally arrived and his did was POSITIVE for CWD, there goes all the meat, bones for H and work he put into it. :( Good thing I only fed her one days worth and 2 bones. Breakfast for her and coffee for me, we let out the cats and played some ball in my housecoat and -1 temps then on to computer work.

Tutorial writing morning, first was the floral tote tutorial which then had to be sent to sponsor and posted on sites followed by a Hometalk post for the purple jewelry box. After a shower another Hometalk post was next up for the white cabinet.

Time to then get to some actual physical work on the garage pieces. The doors and drawers were power sanded and wiped well. The rest of the hardware removed and the sideboard top and edges power sanded. Then I moved on to the sides that had the finish; stripper was brushed on and we will see if the gel works on vertical surfaces as claimed.

stripper results

check out my homemade shop vac/ sander connector.. it didnt work lol

Back inside I did spreadsheet updates then before taking H for a 1 km walk I applied another coat to the stripper. As we walked to the east hay field a big fox took off to the east. He was not that scared and would stop and look back as we made our way towards him. Eventually he crossed the fence line and continued east. Back at the house I scooped poop and checked for the cats before giving H a good brush.

I then loaded her up and she and I were off to the town for her appointment. Being a bit early I swung thru Tims for a tea then off to vets. Here we had to wait to get in and then in the room for 15 minutes after 4 but her ears were swabbed in the meantime. She weighed in at 45.8 (100.7) The new to us vet Robyn checked her out and gave her meds for her left ear. I grabbed dewormer for her and Cooper too. On route home I grabbed A&W for supper and back to the ranch at 5. I ate quick then fed H.

I was out in the garage sanding the dresser drawer fronts when Britt and Coop arrived at 6:30. Previously I had scraped the sideboard ends with no real change so added another stripper coat and covered in plastic. B was back in from feeding horses and tucking cats away and helped clean Har's ears and administer her new meds. Then they were on their way home. Sheldon text he was a few deep into a rum bottle after the big bison kill day so is staying another night.

I tried the stripper on the painted hardware too

Back inside to catch up the blog while watching my iPad. I wrote a tutorial for the peacock jewelry box but it wont be published for 4 days. I was heading to bed at 9:30 to watch from my comfy bed when I thought I best check the stripper. This had me scraping and washing one side off and recoating and putting plastic back over the other and leaving over night. This finish is a bugger to remove. I scrubbed the hardware with some success. I did get to bed to watch until midnight.

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