Thursday, January 6, 2022

Another extreme cold warning day

Even though H went out for a pee at 11:30 she requested an out at 3:50 and sure enough she did double duty biz before quickly back inside as it is -30!! It had warmed a bit upon waking at 8:30 to -27 but then dropped again. There is yet another extreme cold warning for today. S made coffee to enjoy a couple in bed before feeding H and getting on with the day. After his laptop work he got busy flushing the humidifier drain hose and taking a sample to see about changing the house water system. He had helped me haul the dresser back down to my "store" as I have a new customer coming to chat colors later today. Shaina was up with a later start to her work day.

I have no photos for today so sending you this coffee cheers and sunrise

Lexi's appointment had the specialist had good news for no surgery. She thinks there is a secondary infection in the eye not allowing the ulcer to heal. New stronger antibiotics were given, stricter cone wearing and pain killers when needed are the plan for the next week. Prayers for Lexi's eye are welcome.

The 3 of us finished the chili then Shaina back to her clients, S to the couch and I marketing. There has been a gal interested in the mirror but every day has a change of plans. It looks like the noon pickup has changed yet again too. I did my kombucha routine again with organic blueberries. S bundled up and took the tree box along with H to the mez after 2. H was back at 2:30, this -26 is a bugger on puppy paws. I suggested next week for the new customer to come when warmer which she agreed and the mirror gal was a no show. Shaina brought up some stuff to move into her new sublet while in the city today for some appointments. Once her Jeep was warm she was off before 3. S was back in to big brown to peruse the internet and nap. I wrote a post with stripper tips ;)

Flames played at 5 so S was up and headed to the sports dome (AKA TV room) 20 minutes early. I finished up computer work then started on supper; requested mushroom gravy chicken thighs and rice. Between first and second period he surfaced to eat then back down. I wrote the tutorial for B's dresser. It wont go live for a few more days. She arrived and ate supper then took the dogs with her to feed and check horses. We then weighed Coop to find he gained 9 pounds with his new raw diet and is now 59 pounds. She and Cooper headed home just before 8 as I finally finished the tutorial. It is a doozy for pictures and details. It is now -24 the warmest temp of the day ;) Next up was accounting till after 9 when I shut it down and off to bed to relax with a show. Sheldon headed to bed after his Flames lost.

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