Sunday, May 23, 2021

We got rain

I did not hear the robins today, could they be busy with hatched eggs? Maybe it is the blustery overcast weather threatening rain but whatever it is I was happy to sleep till after 8. I fed H and rolled the planters out although not sure they will see sun today. The kitties were let out to cruise before the rain comes. While the cappuccino machine heated up I fed the ginger bug then enjoyed a few cups while I caught up on marketing and accounting.

Shaina was up after 11, slow start Sunday to work on programs. I threw some turkey bones on to make soup for supper. It actually started to rain at noon but not for long, The weather remained dreary and threatening. Britt and Cooper were out after lunch to put on Bird's rain sheet then she picked poop in the shop paddock and dumped it at the pit!! WELL DONE B!! Next she harrowed and watered the arena heading to town at 2:30 for a break.

Shaina sautéed some shrimp in garlic butter for a later lunch to add to her oat milk fettucine leftovers, I opted just for shrimp. They were very tasty! thanks. The main floor got a vacuum as a bit more rain came down. The desk was staged then was posted on a few sale sites after writing up the blurb and getting on my page. Finger's crossed it and some other pieces sell, the inn is getting full :)

I am not loving the staging... sometimes it is a  real struggle

Britt was back out at 3:30, fed the horses but seeing the rain keeps starting and stopping she decided not to ride Roo. No need to send her out hot after a work out. She headed back home around 4:30 followed out by Shaina who was off to the gym. I worked on computer posts and tried hustling my wares while watching some Startup. As I was doing computer work the darn robin pair thought about smashing the window but realized I was just inside. I prepped veggies and picked the meat and finished the soup to simmer. I tested a bowl around 6:30 as the rain was really starting to come down making puddles even. 

Shaina returned around 7:30. I forced Harley to go outside and pee and checked there was 1/2" so far. I joined Shaina for another bowl of soup, cleaned up and she was off to her room and I to catch up blog. The rain let up now too but they say more is coming.

I have this old photo in ornate frame I am trying to find value of but I always wonder who her family is? So many photos are just tossed or given away, sad.

And that it did with more on and off drizzle. Shaina ran back to town just before 9 to try and get a door closed at the gym where water was coming in, get her steps in on the treadmill while there and get a snowjoe of course. She was back in half an hour then off to her room. I watched more Startup in my warm cozy bed.

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