Sunday, May 9, 2021

Crazy Robin behavior - lots of videos and photos

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to my Moms and all the mom in any role out there. You are doing a great job!

It seems 7:30 is my internal wakeup time. I was happy to see it still raining when I did. I went and fed the kittens and H then sent her out. Again there was some sleet in the air and only 2 out. Time for a cap and computer check. I needed to get the blog updated but have been waiting on my thrift store photo. I ran out and grabbed from the truck and brought in to take a pic. While I was out I led the kitties to the shop with J and H. They were fed soft food and some dry and were happy to be back to their home I think. J was happy to have them back, seems he missed these roomies. I checked the rain gauge on way by and shows almost 1/2" so far!

watch it blow

Now to get the vase all packaged up safely and the shipping label made up. I opened a pineapple ginger kombucha and wowza, it had extreme fizz! It went everywhere after the video. Def need to open the rest outside. I was chatting with Shaina when Britt arrived around 11 with a hot chai tea and carrot cake muffin along with a box of chai tea. THANK YOU!! While still on the line I opened Shaina's gift she left; a great smelling sleep kit with body butter, oil blend, bath soak and a candle, THANK YOU!!

Kaylin had sent a video meme this am before she headed to her last day at work. Such sweet girls I have XOXO. B trimmed Harley's nails then I put on her new collar. Fancy! Debby facetimed so we caught up with the Schmitt's then B headed out to clean tack and feed horses. I got busy putting the fun transfer on the toy box lid and flipped the box and painted the bottom. It is almost done.

The rain let up around noon, things are looking so green and our new trees are looking great. B and Cooper headed home at 1. Today her roomie was almost completely moved out by 9 am. It will be back to the two of them now. Harleys new color had to be washed of course. Once I finished up the toy box I clear coated the vases I has on the go and snapped photos of vases available for the custom order.

Inside I made a salad for a late 2 pm lunch and put on a pot of chili. While working on the blog I kept hearing a banging sound. Finally I got up to check it out and found a robin banging into Sheldon's side of the bed window. I closed the blind in case it kept thinking no glass but the noise continued. I went out and could see loads of beaks marks on the window and poop all over the chair below it (see video below). 

I moved the chair and back to work but it continued and when I went to have a bowl of chili it came around attempting to come thru barbecue deck window then the glass deck door (another video below), what the heck??

forest video tour

Seeing the rain was done and there was no wind I took H for a walk around the west loop then back to turn water on in far trough and scoop poop. This led to tree trimming more, every time I look I see more I missed ;(. It sprinkled a few drops but was done just as fast. I decided to swap KD and Switch to give Roo a Mother's day surprise for some manner refreshing. Of course KD does not like to be away from her true love but this will make for some movement I hope. I turned off the hydrant and came inside for another bowl of chili as it is now 4:30.

As I got back to working on the computer the robin continued to ram the windows this time moving to my side window. It repeatedly flew into the window flew away then back again. It is like it is obsessed to get into its nest but wait there is no nest. You think it would stop after multiple crashes but nope. SO ODD!

I did my milk kefir; this batch I let go 48 hours. I separated the grains and put some in a jelly jar to hibernate again and one back to ferment and the product mostly in ice cube trays for H. Time to feed Harley who got her fresh kefir again. While watching the news around 6:30 another shower rolled thru but brief but welcome.

The bird did not stop but I did notice it is not the same bird each time; could it be a pair? It is like living in Alfred Hitchcock's movie The Birds LOL I wrote a Hometalk post for the water kefir. While doing so I looked out to see a robin spying on me, what gives?? Then he started hitting this window. 

these robins are insane

I popped another water kefir to enjoy while doing computer work and this one completely blew up!! Pineapple is overly fizzy!! Note to self; do not add sugar and burp occasionally!

I ended up with this much to drink out of the 16 oz bottle LOL

I took H out for a last potty break but really it was to get more photos of the Mothers Day sunset. I could not pick a favorite picture so sharing them all with you!

I rounded out my Mother's day with a soak in the tub while watching some YouTube then researching robins flying into windows. The spiritual meanings were hot and cold but robins signify new beginnings. Eventually the good all knowing google led me to scientific reasoning; territorial males. This however proves they are not very bright.

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