Friday, May 7, 2021

Thrift store scores

The winds blew all night, at 1 am I finally got up and went out on the deck to move the rocking chair that was banging directly behind me on the wall. When I woke it must have moved as was banging again ;(. Out to let the kittens out of kennel and H to go pee. I went to take of Roo's masks but she was being a pain running away so left her with it on. Time to toss meat for H find it breakfast followed up with some offal and her first turkey head/split frame which she was stoked about.

The kittens and J (who came in after his bachelor night with barn door left open for him to patrol at night if he wanted) got soft food breakfast then I went back out to Roo. It was overcast and blustery yet again making me a sight in my fuzzy brown housecoat and winter boots :) I put her in a corner and had her stand to remove then stand after removing, much better. Back inside I made a cap and did some computer work. I have a gal wanting a custom set of vases from my Etsy shop.

At 11 I headed to town with a long list of errands. The thrift store was first with me finding many treasures.

great scores

Groceries were next with a long line up. Don't get groceries on a Friday then a stop at the liquor store. A loop thru Tims had yet another long line up but one needs some food and an iced coffee right? Next I stopped to sign my taxes then off to let Cooper out and drop off at lab. My final in town stop was to grab an online item from a gal. Trash was dropped at the dump and the mail picked up. 

I was back to the ranch after 1 where Shaina was making another cap and prepping to leave for Banff to water her plants. She had planned a hike tomorrow but the 80% chance of rain has changed that plan. I am hoping it pours all weekend, sorry Dude :) but that is here not in Banff. I put away all my groceries and such then got busy scrubbing the toy box. She headed out at 3 as I was scrubbing. Once done I left it to dry.

Luna watches, the kittens are doing so well after surgery

look at the pretty blooms on the pear tree, I worry though as nothing else is setting flowers or this far ahead so no pears this year ;(

The dresser had a shop post made then all the photos and details put on Kijiji and Varagesale.

For supper I made a smoothie. While I had the vitamix dirty I mixed up the coconut kefir, plain yogurt, spinach and new milk kefir and froze in trays. Shaina called at 6 in a panic asking if her backpack was at the door with her laptops and phone etc in. Nope so she pulled over and luckily found it fell behind the seat. She picked up Lexi on her way thru the city and took her to Banff with her for an auntie weekend.

poor trees

I finished the milk kefir tutorial and got it published. Britt and Coop were out around 6:30. She fed the horses and lunged Roo before heading back to town about an hour later. I went out after she arrived to try and straighten a few of the poor tall spruce trees that the heavy winds are tilting. The warm 16 wind blew all day again. Back inside to my photo sorting and accounting. I headed to bed to watch YouTube after 10.

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