Monday, May 3, 2021

Dresser goes grey... again :)

No birds chirping, no Harley wanting out (she slept in garage again), no traffic sounds yet I was wide awake before 7:30, WTH? I was perusing Instagram when Shaina turned on the espresso machine for her 8 am meeting. I went and fed H early and took off Roo's grazing muzzle. The cats greeted me, what? I looked to see the darn horse door wide open; grrr that door. What a beauty day out even though only 2 above currently at 8 am. I made a cap too and did some computer work.

S slept till 9 then got his coffee going. I got back to laundry loads then spent half hour moving all the boxes under the stairs to get out Zoe's pet carrier. The 2 kittens go to get spayed Wednesday and each need a carrier. The water kefir was bottled - 2 lemon lime ginger then the new batch was made into coconut kefir. I also processed the 2 milk kefir jars; making Harleys in ice trays and other into the fridge jar then put both grains together with milk to rest for a bit in the fridge.

S headed out after his coffees to unhook the dump trailer and run and get the mail. Once back and read thru it he took the skid steer to the pit to move dirt around. He was back for leftover lunch and a nap. I headed to the garage to paint the long dresser grey. I was just finishing it at 2 when he headed to the airport stopping in town to do a few things on his way.

I let the paint dry while doing computer work and Shaina was off to town to work out, grab a parcel and get some groceries. She is cooking supper tomorrow :) I added darker grey around the edges of the dresser drawers blending and distressing. I think this is the look I am going for; another rustic grey dresser. Shaina was back from town and down to do more check ins after putting away groceries.

For supper I made a pot of chili and some dill pickle salad. B was out after 6 just in time to join Shaina and I then she was off to work with Roo and feed horses. Shaina went back to work. B was off for home around 8. I worked on the computer getting a Dixie Belle order together and such. I headed out to check the cats food giving them some soft after 9 and tucked them in.

walking the horse also walks my dog :)

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