Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Navy day

Dam robin back at 5:30 but I managed to shoo it off and drift back to sleep with ear plugs repeating this about 5 times then waking at 8:30 when Shaina was making a cappuccino. I fed H and started the water on the forest seeing there was NO WIND!! When it was finished I switched to the back bed. My cheese and whey was packaged up, cool!

Laundry was sorted and gotten started. Time to get some projects on the go; in the garage I hauled out the desk and got it deep cleaned with a scrub and rinse and left to dry. 

I had a customer offer a coffee and 2 end tables awhile back so today I ran over to pick them up. I put the 3 horses in the shop paddock then was off. The directions were not very good and after a tight turnaround I arrived and got them loaded. A short visit and I was back home, had them unloaded into the garage, wood fill a few places on the desk and add a coat to the top that was super shiny laminate then in for a bite to eat by 1.

I headed back out to get working on the desk. Sorting thru the transfers I was not convinced any were quite right, then looked thru the new silk stencils and finally decided on one of the blue decoupage papers. I then chose navy for the desk color. Before this I had to sand and wipe filled areas and I pulled the leg caps off to spray paint later. Everything was painted a coat of the navy then top had a second stick coat painted on and all left to dry over night. 

The recent mens valet I bought seemed the perfect candidate as well for navy to go with the gold lining so I painted it up too.

Letting everything dry I mixed up horse food and came in for a refreshing water kefir and got to work on computer work. The wind was back but not like yesterday and the high was 10. Shaina finished up her day around 5:30 and took Harley for a walk to get her steps in. For supper I cooked up tacos and all the fixings.  She and Harley met Jacob who was just coming in. He is joining us for supper and a visit.

Tacos were super delicious as usual with Shaina making homemade guacamole too. The fresh cheese worked lovely as a sour cream topping. Britt joined as well but arrived later then usual catching the tail end. It seems the race track opened up yesterday and today at some qualifying races Dave was involved in a horse accident on the way back to the barn that sent him to hospital with a concussion, broken nose and wrist.  Yikes!

After supper Shaina and Jacob went to town to get a snowjoe, Britt went to feed Bird then she and I talked feeding plans deciding to put them all together in the least grassy pen. We got them moved to the middle pen all together. Our plan is to rotate all in one paddock at a time to keep them not having to wear muzzles and less sugar hopefully for Pepper if that is indeed his ailment. Back with a snowjoe for B they headed to S's apartment. B and Cooper headed home at 8:30. I wrote a tutorial for the long grey dresser but wont publish it quite yet. Around 9:30 as I was typing I noticed the yard light not on so grabbed the hair dryer as per the princes instruction. Sure enough it would not work on the pole but would at the stinky sewer post. Back at the light post I found the GFI button tripped probably from S's sewer checking day. We now have light again! Brrr it is cool out at 4 degrees.

I continued my computer work until Shaina came up to make popcorn around 10:30. I visited with her and Jacob while she did so then off they went to watch a movie. I continued my blog catch getting yesterdays posted and heading to my room after 11. 

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