Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Cat adventures and crazy wind!

Coyotes were howling at 1:30 am and I thought are the kitties smart enough to be in the barn? As I got up to pee I heard them meowing outside my window so called them to the front door. I tucked Luna under my arm on the left side and went to pick up Stella. This is where things went offline; Stella attempted to dodge me as she is not a fan of being picked up at the best of times so I grabbed her tail which had her panicked and trying to run. This caused her to yowl and get away even trying to bit but I wanted to grab them both and put in garage. Luna started to panic and scratch my side in a harried scramble to escape, eventually I let them both go and headed to open the garage door. A burning in a few spots showed some scratching on my arm belly and leg, darn it. 

just let the cats go lady ;)

Harley was awake and came to the door as Stella came into the garage slowly followed by Luna. I attempted to close it only to have Luna dart out. Opening it again I found J ambling his way in and up the stairs to me. He reached up to claw the stair post like he does only he hit a standing board that toppled sending a bucket and spoon crashing and Luna was back out the door. I tried again with no luck so shut it and went out to call her around back. H came along to pee and check out the darkness - I also noticed the yard light was off and with no moon it was pitch black. Maybe why the coyotes took to howling for a few hours. there was no convincing her to come in the back door either so eventually I went in and applied bandages to my wounds and crawl into bed. Sleep did not come after all this activity even with 3 podcasts and the coyote songs. Fingers crossed they do not come in the darkness and eat the shell shocked kitten.

I was awoken then at 6:20 by the dam robin on the bedroom picture window again. I got up and shooed him away but when he was back I went and opened the garage door for the pack to go do window control. Nope they were happy to stay in their cozy spots including Luna curled up safely on the rug on the deck. I had text Sheldon asking about the yard light and my cat adventures. He thinks it was shut off when he checked the sewer so I will venture to get it back in action. 

It was nice and sunny with a slight bit of wind. I checked the timered water to the forest to find it did go off but weakly as split to the front flower bed. I did each one again for 15 minutes each then fed Harley. A cappuccino was definitely in order today, two actually. I caught up a bit of marketing then wrote a tutorial for the custom coffee table. I was planning to go to a neighbors who offered me some coffee tables but the wind has picked up and I mean like a hurricane. I checked around 9 when I planned to leave and it was 25 km/ gusts and picked up to 65 km in short order.

Shaina was up later today to make a cap and get started with her day. I was working on getting the blog caught up when just before noon I head another banging. I looked out to see the puppy pool had been flipped and scooting across the gravel. I jumped into my flip flops and ran to grab it but this turned into what would have been hilarious to watch escapade. The high winds kept it ahead of me at a full on run and just when I thought it might catch in the grass after sliding under the rail and off across the pasture it would take off. I finally caught it when it flipped upside down in a bit longer grass briefly nearly 3/4 the way to the east wellhead!! Wow and talk about a challenge carrying a now empty plastic pool back against the wind with panting breath! I took it and a basket that was blowing away to the garage. Harley and 2 of the cats came out as I went and stacked blown over chairs, grabbing the balls and a horse blanket wrapped around my peony plant safely inside. I also took down 2/3 of the robin deflecting window coverings. Time now for a refreshing cold kombucha as I am winded, no pun intended ;) Shaina was just getting ready to head to town to work out. 

At 1 the winds picked up even more!! Weather network says almost 75 km/hr. I continued on computer work when I got distracted by my list and checked my tepache. This led to bottling it and making another batch with the same rinds which led to doing my water kefir too. I was just finishing up when Shaina arrived back after 2. She was then off to her work. Back to the computer to get a few orders done up for product and shop supplies. 

here is my tepache live view

Donna Mae stopped to get her table before 5, we had a visit then got it loaded in the hurricane winds. 

I fed Harley her supper with a side of vitamixed veggies and when I came in Shaina was making her supper early. She thought she would not be done till 6. Tonight she is making us oat milk fettuccini. I cut chicken for her and she did all the rest. It was interesting to try more dairy free meals. THANKS for cooking XOXO She even cleaned it all up while I went out to secure the pear tree that seems to be leaning in this crazy non stop wind. Harley came too and we put the kitties away in the barn for the night with soft food as a treat. I then moved all my plants inside and watered as dry from the wind and it may hit zero over next few nights.

I was back inside ready for a cold drink so cracked a lemon ginger kefir water and man have I mastered the fizz on it, just watch!

the chunks in the bottle are lemon pulp and ginger :)

I was working on the blog when Britt and Cooper arrived before 8 and was just texting Sheldon about the pear tree when B asked if I wanted help to stand up "Darren" tree. OH GEEZ, that poor tree, he was just standing so out we went. She helped me get it back up then was off to feed Bird and let the others out to eat. I checked and white spruce has a mean lean and one support untied so I man handled that one myself cursing as the rope has no spare length so I tried the other side moving and it was too short so back to first plan. What a struggle in this wind, wow. I tightened all then hand watered in all the new trees hoping to add a bit of weight and moisture to this drying wind.

poor Darren spruce

Britt caught Roo and worked her in the round pen. She finished up, loaded up Coop and off before 9. Time for a soak in the tub. Shaina needing to get her steps in tried to head out for a walk around 9:30 but changed it to jogging back and forth in front of the house where a bit sheltered. She tried to convince Harley to join her but she ran out of interest after the first few back and forths. I rounded out my night making some cream cheese and whey because I need whey for a fermented lemonade of course :)

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