Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Quick trip to the city

The robin did not start his window attacks till 6:30 then was attacking Shaina's office window while she was in her early morning meeting. It then was up to our bedroom at 7:30 so S got an up close look at this odd behavior. Shaina was up to make a cappuccino and S a pot of coffee. We visited a bit then she was off to work at 8. The cats were let out to see if they could keep the birds at bay. I started my day with a fizzy pineapple kombucha sharing some with the prince.

S had a nap on the couch ; Tuesday you know ;) I went and put Roo's muzzle on, gave Harley a turkey head, fed the cats soft food on the barbeque deck, and put the final coat of clear over the toy box top and did touch ups. 

yummy H says

I rousted sleeping beauty to come to the city with me. We left H in the garage and were off after 11. A drive thru Tim's for an ice cap and breakfast donut then around to pick up the other half of the paint parcel that was delivered to town. Now to the city; Costco returns took forever yet again then a quick loop thru the store for only a few items. S dropped me at the dentist door early after 1 but I did not get into the chair till 1:30. I had impressions done and out into a few drops of rain to my awaiting sleeping chauffeur and onto our next stop. This was to check out some clear flip top bottles but seeing they were not marked with any info S was not sure they were pressure rated so we left them. A quick drive thru a drive thru to get some less then tasty chicken fingers and fries was our late lunch arriving back at the ranch at 3:30.

We unloaded the goodies then S hit the couch for a nap. I opened my paint parcel, got busy doing my milk kefir then onto making my kombucha. Seeing it was a double batch I was definitely short bottles. Time to go see how the few I had soaking overnight were doing. I dumped the water, rinsed them, added fresh hot water and bleach and let all soak. Then it was on to peeling off the dreaded sticky labels which required orange spray and lots of scrubbing after peeling scrubbing but I got 10 done. Once done they were run thru the antibacterial setting on the dishwasher.

The first 7 bottles of grapefruit and pomegranate were tucked in the "bomb shelter" cooler along with my first mason jar full as an experiment. They say these don't get as much carbonation but with what I have gotten so far in the bottles I think I can spare a bit. Once the bottles were clean I filled them each with a variety of the grapefruit or pomegranate, marked them and put them in the cooler too.

Sheldon once awake from his nap did a cross word; his favorite hobby. He did take H out to play ball for a bit seeing she had a low key day. Shaina flitted up a few times to grab food and make a smoothie. Britt and Cooper were out as per usual. She worked Roo first then fed the horses then heading home. S took her car for a drive to see the noises she had going on but thinks it needs a garage fix but will check out the google.

Finally once everything was done in my brew kitchen we had a bowl of chili late seeing we ate lunch late. Shaina was up later to have some too as well as make some guacamole. Double S were off to bed pretty early after 9. I finished up adding to the blog and even fell asleep before 11 listening to a kombucha podcast ;)

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