Friday, May 21, 2021

Jasmine Tea and Ginger Bug

Well it seems the fancy window coverings help as robing showed up at 5:15 but shooed off the picture window and he was off to annoy the cats I think in the shop. I think he was back once but I managed to fall asleep till 8:30. Harley was glad I finally came to feed her. The kitties were let out next and back for a cap to get the blog posted and some marketing done. I bottled the 2nd batch of tepache, this one had a cinnamon stick added but still smells funky.

Then out to the garage to put another coat on the desk top because I did a touch up on the top and this new paint does NOT do well with touch ups. Once it was done I touched up the edges of the drawer fronts with a bit more clear coat. The legs and pulls were sprayed silver. This stinks up the garage so H was kept out for the am. Inside I wrote the water kefir tutorial and shared in a few places.

Lunch was another bowl of potato salad, my lunch for the week and of course a kombucha :) The weather is overcast and brisk today. I went out and took of Bird's rain sheet, tossed them the rest of the bale and planted some zucchini and squash seeds. I also buried the pineapple rinds that smell like booze LOL. I also found my dandelion spike with full length handle had been revamped from our beaver H!! Sheesh what does she have against gardening tools?

staged the valet

I threw the rain sheet and one found in the horse trailer in the wash. Before 2 the sun finally peeked thru. Perfect to hang them outside to dry. The last set of vases were posted on Etsy and another sale created and a few tweaks to posts. Time to make some sales. Shaina has a headache but after her bath she helped me haul the long grey dresser downstairs. I had all the drawers moved down so was pretty easy, thanks. I hauled in the desk after reattaching the feet caps and putting together. The drawers had the sprayed pulls added and brought in, almost ready to stage.

Back in the garage it was clean up; bedding plants were set out for a bit while I swept, Harleys bedding was all washed and changed, brushes cleaned, stuff put away ready for next projects, trash collected and bag put out with another after I looked out and saw a mouse eating on Harley's prized chicken wing (into the trash it went). 

Shaina was off to the city for her braces check after 4. I made a half batch of jasmine tea kombucha. SO far kombucha is my favorite fermented beverage so adding another variety will be fun. 

Ginger was then chopped to create a ginger bug. This fermented syrup is used to make sodas :) It now gets fed daily for a week to build up its fermented properties. I worked on organizing photos again and starting a couple tutorials. Supper was skimpy; left over taco meat and yogurt, I tried bean dip but I used hot salsa so too spicy for me so froze the rest. Donning my sunglasses and heading out to now 13 degrees Harley and the 2 kittens went for a walk. A lady had just asked about fern leaf peonies and I said I had one that grows in the pasture. It seems I left a bit of root as I had moved some of my perennials there about 12 years ago and it always comes up even in the middle of quack grass, caragana's and shade. Bloom where you are planted they say :) Can you find it below?

Back at the house I checked all the trees to see the leafing status; one ash is slow but I see potential, one maple we transplanted died but coming from the base in many sprouts so will pull it and replace next week maybe. The north rose bush we planted seems to be in shock still so I moved the water onto it and the south trees in the island. One spirea is dead there too. The rest all look good. I moved the sprinkler in back to the big evergreens and pear area and let it run for an hour too while I pulled more quack grass. Why cant other plants grow like it or dandelions?

Britt and Cooper arrived, fed the two horses then let all into the closest paddock. She borrowed a can of corn to go with her roast supper and was off. I hit the shower and enjoyed a bowl of fruit and more yogurt. I was going to bed but remembered I needed to get the mens valet on Etsy for Fathers Day so got busy. I had to go measure it and saw this spectacular sunset I was missing. Well I guess I did not totally miss it.

watch the live view

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