Sunday, February 28, 2021

Beauty Sunday Plus 6

Even though I woke at the usual 7:05 I drifted off and on till Harley came to roust me before 8. This might be a Sunday treat she gives me. :) She went out and around back. I tossed deer into the snow for her breakfast which she enjoyed searching and eating. Inside she rested in her kennel while I got marketing underway. It is scroll stopper Sunday after all. I was enjoying my second cappuccino when Britt and Cooper pulled in just after 9!

I put Harley's coat on and she went out to play with Coop while B fed the horses. They were off in just over half hour heading to the mountains on her day off. Shaina was up soon after making her cappuccino and getting to work on her computer. She was working on a blog post for her website, have you subscribed?

The nightstand was sanded more then  painted a coat of primer/stain blocker and left to dry. We had chili for lunch. They day was warming up from the -7 it started out to a beautiful PLUS 6. I painted a coat of light grey on the nightstand then headed out for a walk with Shaina, Harley and the cats. It was challenge trudging thru the deep snow in places but of so nice out so worth it.

kitties crossing the vast tundra video

Back to the nightstand a second color was added; white and blended in. Shaina was off to the gym with special permission just before 4. While the paint dried I did some computer work then back out to sand, distress and clear coat. This was finished up around 6:30 and seeing it was getting dark and Shaina not home yet I went out and filled water, gave soft and kibble food to cats and put away for the night.

Inside I started prepping veggies to roast with salmon burgers and was just putting them in when Shaina arrived home after 7. We did not eat until almost 8, very late for sure but was good. I worked on the blog and her on her computer till 9 when we both headed off; me to prep for bedtime and her to soak in the tub. Tonight's viewing entertainment was orchid care followed by The Wonder of Dogs and partially thru Ice Dogs before shutting off at 1 am. 

Saturday, February 27, 2021

-4 sunshiny day

With my morning coffee I wrote a Hometalk post for removing puppy pee stains. It is a brisk one at -17 to start but eventually the sun came out around 10 as I was doing more raw diet research. My blooming tulips required some photo ops!

In the garage, I sanded the top of the nightstand and moved the drawers all up onto a work table. Now to decide the paint finish, so inside I went to search inspiration. I also weighed Harley who has tipped the scales at 100.4 pounds. Not sure how much longer I will be able to lift her on the scale with me :)

I forgot to take a before so quickly snapped this one

Britt and Cooper arrived around 11 as I was looking. She had me soak beet pulp so took that to feed horses and take of Bird's blanket as it was now -10 and rising. I donned my gear and went out to shovel sidewalks from last nights snow, scoop poop and check cat food. B and I thought Lexi's eye should be checked before her specialist appointment on the 8th and seeing Shaina had spent the night at Kaylin's and she was at work she asked me to call. I booked her in for today at 1 but Shaina was in line at a restaurant so Devon took her.

B and C left for town before 12:30 as I was brushing H outside then gave her a deer meat search. Last of the tuna then onto computer work with a phone call from a local raw diet dealer to answer some questions. The sun continued to shine and it warmed up to - 4. I rousted sleeping Harley and she and I went out for a structured walk on leash to the gate and back. Of course the kittens came along too.

Back home I chatted with a city dealer that delivers right to your door for half the cost of the last gal - who also delivers but lives down the road. I watched YouTube videos on it while I cooked chili for supper. Kaylin called with the sad news Lexi is 100% blind in her right eye with excruciating pain from glaucoma and most likely may have to be removed ;(. She was sent home with pain killers and 2 kinds of eye drops sourced from a drug store to be given every 8 hours with one staggered 15 minutes ahead of the other. Hopefully this gives her relief until her specialist appointment.

I never tire of this view and time of day

Shaina arrived home at 5:45 and kindly put the cats away after she hauled in her stuff. We waited for Brittany to join us after 6 to eat chili and garlic toast. Shaina was on her computer looking for rental places while Britt mixed up her new thrush hoof cream concoction that she hopes to make millions selling. She and Cooper headed home after 7. Shaina made a quick trip to town to grab a snow joe and check the mail for a parcel she was expecting with no luck. She was back in short order, made popcorn delivering a bowl to me as I was now in bed watching YouTube raw diet videos, thanks Dude then off to her room. I let out H at 10 for her last time and it was lights out soon after.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Raw dog food diet??

The darn coyote was back howling in the yard waking me but not H just after midnight. I got up and tried to spy his exact location out windows but no luck. Back to bed. When we awoke after 7 it was -4 and looking like a not bad day. We did our usual morning routine including letting cats out after 9 but soon the weather changed and the clouds covered over, the wind started and temps dropped. I wrote ads for Etsy items and posted the latest tutorial I had finished yesterday for the olive chair. It then had to be sent to sponsors and posted on sites.

While posting on link up parties I found I had a few features but the best was the work bench on a well known upcycler's website. This shelf shown below and the pink jewelry box were the items posted on Etsy.

Two kitties had retreated to the barn to get out of the blustery winds but Luna sat outside window crying so I took her back and locked them inside with fresh food and water at noon. A tuna sandwich quick before I read an email a parcel was delivered.. must be at the gate as not here so I drove down to find it indeed tied to the gate in full sight. Gee thanks FedEx. Here are 2 new brushes sent, thanks DB.

Back at the house I headed to the garage to scrub a nightstand and dresser drawers. It is a hard work job but necessary. I then filled the nightstand gouges, cat scratches and such with wood filler while supervised by H.

I think these were packing straps the family left on for all these years! I pried it off for a more stable base.

These are my fancy new rubber gloves and the supervisor checking in on me.

Fresh guacamole and chips with a beer were my reward after 3 while watching a show called Pet Fooled. Earlier I had saw a post from a dog trainer saying not to mix kibble and raw so I had asked about raw bones and the deer which led me to researching the raw food diet for dogs and this show was suggested. It is definitely an eye opener to the down side of kibble. But like all things there are always sides to both each with pros and cons so the research was on.

B and Cooper were out for their usual round after 6, B gave horses oats and put Bird's blanket on as blustery -9 out then they were off. I did not eat my leftovers veggies and chicken till after 7 while still researching the huge raw diet topic.

The snow was lightly coming down when I headed to bed after adding another wood filler layer on the nightstand before 10 with the temp now at -11. I watched Street Dogs, cute but also lots of sad parts.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Cooper play day

H wanted out around 12:30 but then I could not go back to sleep so watched an episode of Sneaky Pete shutting off at 2 am. The wind was howling when I awoke at 7 with an actual wind warning. H wanted to be pet and eat before going out in the zero degree wind. I drank my morning bevies then we went and let the kitties out. A few more jewelry box photos were staged.

I loaded up Harley and was off to town for my 11 am appointment with the eye glasses manager. It seems one lenses was tilted causing the distortion but the actual lens were room distance not desk as requested. They are ordering yet another set of lens assuring me they will be correct this time and I will like them better then single vision. Next stop to pick up Cooper, turn off TV and close bedroom door. In doing so I found he pooped on the floor so had to clean that up before loading him in the truck with Harley.

I looped thru Tim's to grab a tea and we jetted home back in an hour of leaving. The highway was terrible with blowing snow and slush. The dogs were off playing as the sun came out after 12 and hit a high of 4. I worked on marketing with my tea getting new ads posted and the dresser shared on some link up parties. I had Harley come in for a nap around 1 but Cooper wanted to stay out. I saw him run by tossing one of the garden gloves the little rascal. After her nap I let Harley back out before 2:30 only to see the 2 of them running around with it. I rescued said glove and they continued on play. One time I looked out and Cooper was up on top of the round bales while H was trying to get him from below.

I attempted to spray a magazine rack white only to have major bleed thru, change of plans here. Everything was clear shellacked and left to dry. Cooper FINALLY came in at 3:30 along with H for their naps which coincided with the clouds rolling back in and a dismal day returned. I did boring accounting while they slept.

Out to spray the magazine rack with black paint, phew what a smell with everything sealed up. I tried to open the big door and man door but the cats were ready so it was short. I fed H outside so she did not have to smell it. Juggling the dogs in and out of the front door is enough.

look what are blooming!!

I cooked up a chicken souvlaki with roasted brussel sprouts (who knew I liked them) and sautéed zucchini for a healthy fresh supper. The wind finally let up and what a relief. Seeing Britt was working late tonight I went and put the cats away at 6:30 while still somewhat light. Looks like we now have a skating rink outside the shop.

Then it was writing tutorial while watching my iPad. The nightstand arrived in Edmonton almost safe and sound with only a wee knick she said would easily fix with the paint pot I included, yeah. And the jewelry box that was mailed on January 16 and marked stalled in Chicago feb 6 finally had an update to the buyer it was in a city 1 1/2 hours away. 9 again I shut it down and headed into the bedroom to prep and crawl into bed. Britt arrived to pick up Cooper at 9:30 after I had just let them out quick. I finished season 3 which ended the series of Sneaky Pete. Now what will I watch?

Wrong lenses again

What a beautiful sunrise again today while letting H out after 7. The fresh snow makes it even prettier. H and I let the kitties out after 8 today to enjoy the sunshine. Last night at 3:30 am there was a howling coyote basically right in the yard, glad we lock them up! The howling did not wake H though LOL

A bit of marketing with a hot cap or tow then it was onto stenciling the pink jewelry box. I went with a gold and of course after I washed up brush and stencil and sanded it a bit I redid some spots LOL 

Harley was given a chew stick and I was off to town after 12 to drop my glasses for the new lenses and check the wall for a different frame at 12:30. After trying on a few more I stuck with my original choice left them and off to another rental property viewing. It was a ten minute wait and half hour tour. This has potential; it is the opposite side of one we looked at last year and liked. Boss will have to have a look once home.

Next stop was dollar store for supplies but ended up only getting some fun long sleeved rubber gloves for furniture scrubbing. It was then another 15 minute wait for a lady buying my older cell phone with a low ball offer. When she finally arrived it took another half hour as she wanted to put her SIM card in and test it but you have to set up your iPhone first. This required me creating a hotspot off my phone and entering all her data etc but eventually she trusted it was a legit phone. It was for her 82 year old husband so I did not mind helping her feel legit. A quick trip into Walmart for cup hooks for my jewelry box project then grabbing a very late lunch of a tea and Boston cream just before 3. Don't tell Shaina but I don't think my day has had much protein yet with only 2 cappuccinos and a slice of banana bread so far.

Picking up Cooper was next order of business seeing it was above zero and so sunny they may as well have a play date for rest of the day. I grabbed my glasses on the way south, tossed the stinky trash bag and picked up the mail then home. A financial lady needed info on the way so called once home and stuff brought in and dogs set off to play. I put on my glasses to read paperwork for her only to find the prescription does not seem to work for me as blind as a bat. GUHHH

I grabbed my old glasses and added gold gilding wax to the jewelry box, drilled pilot holes and installed the cup hooks. I finished the last of the trout and veggies for supper then worked on marketing. Britt did not arrive to get Cooper till 7, she kindly put the cats away and was off for home soon after. I wrote today's tutorial, washed brushes, put away products then headed to bed to watch Sneaky Pete as the wind picked up yet again.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Snow and solar back working

The snow was still coming down when I let H out after 7. It is nice fluffy ski snow and really had added up. It let up by 8:30 as I was enjoying a cappuccino and working on tutorials. After two caps and lots of typing I headed to the garage at 10 to get more projects on the go. A tidy of my work table led to the wicker basket getting white wax added which did nothing so I got light milk paint and added which worked better.

The sun popped out at 11 so H and I went out to let out the kitties and shovel all the walks. It was still -2 but the sunshine was causing lots to melt. Of course she had to play fetch with jolly ball for a bit too. I loved the warm temps but hated the wind, and the melting snow made for a dirty nuclear look. This fresh coat of sparkling white snow is always so pretty. I was back in before noon with H following with muddy feet a bit later.

She however alerted me to an intruder just after 12; sky fire was here to replace an inverter that was shot and needed to get the solar panels back online. The sun went back behind the clouds and a wee drop of snow came for a short time then back to overcast. I waxed the wicker basket, snapped a few pics then back to tutorial writing.

Buffing the dresser this am I found a wee area that was missed for wood filler so filled and repainted it all and oiled.

The Sky Fire guy was off before 2 allowing Harley to now go out and see who was here. I snapped a new staged photo of the dresser and was able to finish the black dresser tutorial.

I cleaned up a jewelry box, removed the yucky door plastic then painted it a coat of soft pink. 

I snapped another pic of the basket after giving it a wipe with hemp oil while doing the dresser touch up. It was posted for sale.

Kaylin sent me this exciting email that was sent out to all the Sugar Me clients.. :)

Leftover trout again for supper at 5 with another brief snow squall blowing thru. Britt and Cooper were out after 6 taking H for a play, put kitties away then off to check her mouse traps. She caught 1 in garage already. I had my iPad beside me for computer work then jumped in the shower then bed to finish season 2 of Sneaky Pete and start season 3.

Monday, February 22, 2021

PLUS 7 with sunshine and no wind

Zero upon waking with a high of PLUS 5 thru the night with the chinook winds. H was slow to go out but did her usual loop while S made coffee and crawled back into bed to enjoy them. Once up I got busy with some quick Monday marketing then found a box almost perfect for the nightstand. S helped me wrap it in bubble wrap, I stuffed packing peanuts in the bottom then air pillows all around it and on top. Everything was taped well and a wee pot of paint added just in case Canada Post dings it.

S headed out to let cats out and find some mice traps. Seems Britt has a mouse in the house. I had him help me move the dresser base in after wiping more oil. He then went to roll a bale and I added the hardware back on the dresser and hauled drawers in. Then vacuuming the main floor and bedroom carpet were in order to keep up with hair. Then a few photos staged.

Healthy salads and barbequed hotdogs for lunch. S then packed up his bag and made some calls before headed out before 2. He is swinging by Britt's to drop off mouse traps and drop my parcel at the post office, thanks. ON route to airport he is meeting a gal so sell one of the hay nets. I waxed the wicker basket but still not a fan.

Time to head out in the glorious sunshine PLUS 7 day with no wind and walk Harley and the kittens. I took the veggie peels to the horses and gave H a find it deer meat hunt once back. Inside the chair was staged and posted for sale. All my Etsy ads were updated and a sale put on many items. I wrote a tutorial for the custom desk but still no photo so hard to share till then.

More computer work then a bite to eat at 6. B and Cooper arrived no long after, took Harley out for a quick play then were off. She forgot the cats so I ran out with a soft food treat. The littles came running but I had to track to the back to get J and haul him back. Seems he prefers a chauffer :)

Back inside I wrote the blog and more computer work with my iPad at my side. At 9 I moved to bed to watch and relax. It was plus 1 and at 10 rain started hitting the windows which soon turned to snow.