Thursday, January 21, 2021

Work bench project

Coffee in bed as we discussed todays plans. S fed H when he put the coffee on and when finished she was ready to play. I tested the vacuum power handle doing the main floor successfully followed by a quick spot mop. Shaina's covid test came back negative, yeah! I tried using an iron to remove the stains on the sideboard top but no luck. More oil was rubbed in and I will just leave it.

I had a webinar at 9:30 and while listening I wrote a tutorial for the pink carved trinket box #1. S went out to let out cats and play fetch with Harley. I worked on a jewelry box in between building steps. It was cleaned, painted, distressed, sanded and clear waxed.

We then got busy building his shop bench. Progress went smoothly even with Harley's incessant need to be right in the middle of it all.

This was all designed as we went with lots of changes and progress.
We stopped for a lunch break before 1 then back at. We finished up to the point of bracing the legs when all 3 cordless drills powered out.

This was my view looking down as I was the weight to keep boards flush and flat.

 S is going to the city tonight with Craig to pick up some free shelves from their office closure so went to hook up the big dump trailer. I took Harley for her walk with the kittens joining us.

Back inside S had a rest on the couch while he waited for Craig to arrive at 5. I started on todays blog and marketing. Supper was a bowl of cereal, then coleslaw and some chips and dip :) while working on marketing I watched Magicians on my iPad. Britt popped out for her usual evening dog date bringing a chai tea, THANKS B! She did not stay long and was off after 7:30. I was just getting dozy (trying a new melatonin) watching my iPad in bed when S and Craig rolled in at 10. Luckily we both managed to fall asleep after watching a bit longer.

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