Friday, January 15, 2021

Beauty PLUS 6 and sunshiny day

I let H out early today ; before 7. Perhaps she knew Shaina was getting up soon to make a cappuccino for her 7 am meeting. I crawled back into bed then up to feed her around 8:30 as Shaina was making another cap for a 9 am call. H and I let the kitties out in the blustery but sunny day. I spent the morning writing a tutorial for the white & natural wood dresser and getting it posted. Left over goulash for lunch ;) only one bowl left!

The wind let up mid afternoon. The gal who purchased the rocking horse arrived after 1. Being a fellow painter we had lots to catch up on taking 2 hours. Harley enjoyed the scratches and entertained us with her comedic personality. Once she was off I worked on a new FB cover collage while waiting for Shaina to finish up a project. She made some guacamole and we took Harley and the kittens for a walk in the now gorgeous windless PLUS 6 sunshine. 

Shaina always takes great video

Back at the house I scooped up more exposed poop and broken bone shards. I hid a few pieces of bison around the firepit for the find it game which the cats always enjoy too. I then put them away filling food and water before I left. H got a brush then her supper before I came in to catch the news.

H found this "gift" in my closet so I prepped it with kibble, froze and gave her to try. She loved it.

I made a sautéed veggie and noodle pack supper that was good, should have added chicken but next time. Shaina was to her room while I did some blogging while watching Wentworth. Britt and Cooper were out with teas for us al, THANKS B. We had a nice visit while enjoying them then Shaina was off to the city before 9. She is staying in the city for the w/e then back to Banff for Mon-Thurs again. B and I played with the dogs till she was off after 9:30. Then I headed to bed to watch Wentworth.

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