Sunday, January 3, 2021

Supper at the B's

UGH, the chinook winds HOWLED all night even waking me at 2. I let Harley out as she was moving around a bit so to be sure her tummy was not upset sent her out. I was then awake for hours. I listened to a meditation session, a sleep cast then a 3 hour sleep music. The chair on the deck made a banging noise in the hurricane winds and finally at 5:30 I went out and laid it down. I think then I fell asleep only to awake at the usual 7 am. Drats.

I clear coated the drawer fronts while H ate breakfast then did the top inside as the cap machine heated up. Time to catch up the blog and do marketing. I wrote a tutorial for the mug tree. H and I let the cats out after 9. The wind had finally let up and was plus 3. Poop scooping quick before back into carry on with marketing.

I hauled in the drawers, buffed the scrubbed hardware and set up a few staging photos. 

The vanity buyers arrived around 11, loaded in short order and on their way. I then headed to the garage to clean and wood fill the custom desk job. Leaving it to dry and seeing the sun was out in full force Harley and I went for a walk at noon. The cats joined in too of course. Perfect half hour walk that had me removing winter wear all along the way as so lovely out even only PLUS 2 but no wind and full sun. 

"dog" walking video

I was finishing the Chinese food after 2 when Britt and Cooper came out. She fed Bird then was off to meet a friend in Airdrie to give sunglasses forgotten at her house. On her way she returned my Amazon parcels and picked up a new package full of hardware for me as well as took a return to HomeSense as she was doing a few returns while at Cross Iron. THANK B!! She also invited us all for supper tonight at her house.

The desk was then completely painted with a grip product seeing it is a laminate surface. This product needs to dry at least 12 hours so done working on it for the day. Time to get some accounting done. I had a post ready to put on at 5 but headed out and put the cats away and forgot to post it. I gathered some of the kale salad ingredients to take to B's, loaded up Harley and we headed to town. I swung by grocery store to grab more kale with no luck. At B's I chopped radishes and roasted the corn. K and S arrived at 6:30 from the city. K mixed up the salad dressing, B cut the roast and we enjoyed a yummy delicious meal. THANKS B!! This was followed by a card game K got for Xmas called Skip Bo. The dogs had a great time as well making for a full gathering in this lockdown bubble. 

We finished up after 8:30. K and S headed to get a snojoe on the way home and I a tea. There was a big accident at the hwy1/817 lights causing us all to detour home. Back at the ranch I posted my forgotten post then headed to bed to watch The Boys. The other two were off chattering in the basement.

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