Sunday, January 31, 2021

Last day of January

After extra supper H was wanting out again at 6:45 then I tucked her back in the kennel to sleep which she and I did until the amazon delivery man knocked at 8:30. I got up and made my cap and got on to my marketing and surprisingly H went back to bed. I went to bed with -16 and awoke to -4! With my second cap I wrote a Hometalk post for the grey dresser almost catching up over there on projects. Time for a shower.

Shaina surfaced after 11 having a sleepless night after drinking a Dr Pepper before bed. She mad a cap, ate some yogurt while doing computer work then was off for a call. H still was not up and almost noon so I coaxed her to come with me to let the cats out now the sun was out then fed her.

H decimating a stick while Luna plays with her tail video

I wrote a tutorial for the Venetian plaster shelf. Britt and Cooper were out around 12:30. It is 0 now and the snow is melting which should make for dirty pawed dogs. We took the dogs for a good walk as well as the cats of course then ball playing and poop pick up while Britt fed Bird. The house thermometer says PLUS 5, it does feel warm out.

These two love this ball

Cooper is coming for day tomorrow so B set up kennel, I washed bedding in H's and a kennel vacuum. We had a bit of leftovers for lunch with Shaina joining us then she was back downstairs and B on the couch. Plants watered and laundry folded from some loads Shaina washed LOL. Once the dogs had played rested and played again B and her sidekick headed home at 3.

Shaina got gussied up and we went out to try her photos again as the sun went behind clouds so no glare but she was not happy with the wind so canned that project. She ran to town for some groceries before 5 and back a half hour later. I went and put the cats away then took half an hour and sat in the golden hour sunshine in big brown and finished season 4 of the Magicians while she was gone. I made spaghetti to go with left over sausage for supper and she made guacamole as our veggie. After supper poof she was gone again leaving me to work more on marketing before heading to bed. I perused YouTube seeing I have not been on in forever then started season 5 of Outlander.

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