Friday, January 8, 2021

Chair project on the go

H went out at 2 am quick so had a sleep in. It was a pretty sunrise when I fed Harley breakfast before 8:30 and then let her out. S has lab and xray tests today so is fasting so no coffee served in bed. I did make a couple caps and got busy marketing quick and laundry going as well as garage tidy. S organized sausage supplies then got busy sorting his bison and weighing after letting kitties out. He will meet his buyers Monday so fingers crossed the weather stays freezing as stored in the merc till then as all freezer space is taken here. I vacuumed the main floor including the dusty stairwell.

S headed to town before noon to do a few errands before his appointments. I continued my cleaning then headed out to prep the desk for pick up. The fellow arrived before 2 with his work truck. It had a slid out deck which he had a tarp he unfolded and put under it. We loaded all the pieces and he wrapped them up with said tarp. I really am worried about the paint job after this but guess we will see. It took awhile to get it all loaded and ready to go but eventually he was off along with a little pot of touch up paint after one wood filled edge was already dinged.

Seeing it was such a beautiful sunny day albeit chilly with a high of MINUS 3 I took H for her daily walk. We found one of the toys out in the field so that was fun fetch walk. Back at the house I finished the vacuuming and laundry. S was home from town to unload and have a nap on the couch. I went to garage and pulled out one of the white painted chairs to finish. I decided on a fun soft yellow.

With sausage making planned for Sunday, S took out his hind deer legs to thaw and tubs of frozen meat to thaw. This had Harley right out of sorts again. I cooked up a delicious favorite steelhead trout supper.

After cleaning up supper I was off to soak in the tub while watching an episode of The Boys. Britt stopped out with Cooper quick around 7:30, short visit and off to start watching The Pack. S crawled into bed and after I got dozy watching The Pack and shut it off at 8:30 he too put his phone away and fell fast asleep. My sleep did not last as per usual. At 10:30 H was alerting me to an infiltrator and we found Shaina trying to unlock the front door ;) She headed to her room and I back to my iPad till 1:30 with only the final episode to go for the Pack season 1.

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