Saturday, January 23, 2021

Plant care and workbench finished

H changed up her routine at 7 eating then heading out and back in to rest till S put the coffee on at 8. We enjoyed one in bed then up for the day. There was a light skiff of snow falling which is always so pretty. I caught up on marketing while S made scrambled eggs with toast and beans. I had a sale to start my Saturday for the industrial stool/plant stand. I got it ready to go and moved stuff around in my store area downstairs.

S was off after 10:30 to pick up a cookie order then go to Matt's to work on this issue again. I needed to swap out a stool so brought in one from my stash for B's fiddle leaf I am rejuvenating. S was back in an hour solving the problem. He hauled some boards in and we flipped the super heavy work bench to build the shelf.

This is the cookie order creation for Ma & Pa K

Craig and his BIL Trent arrived after 12 to load the rest of the metal shelves off the dump trailer. I started on plant care which had everything watered and a couple repotted and plants all moved around to new spots. I got Britt's pots all ready for her to take back as the 3 she had me over winter died :(

my poor aloe vera :(

The fellows finished up and S came in to warm up and eat lunch then to work on his bench. I added a few more good ideas to his plan ;) We also fixed the boot jack that Harley modified. B and Coop came out to feed Bird, grab her pots and take some sausage home. 

H always has to inspect every step

While moving plants around I saw the one wood table had water marks etc so it was wiped well, lightly sanded and hemp oil rubbed in making it beautiful again. Such a great way to bring luster back to wood. I also did the stool top before it is picked up.

oiling video

S ran to town around 4 to toss the trash, grab screws for the bench and a few more 2X4's. I did some computer work while watching Magicians. S was back at 5, changed into something warmer and roll out a bale for the horses. Once back at the house he worked on screwing on the newly acquired boards while I cooked supper. We ate supper while catching the news then he put the last few screws in and got it moved out with the skid steer as I manned the door. Again a wee bit of snow was coming down. He put it in the shop, tucked the kitties away for the night and came in. We spent the evening watching our iPads; me Magicians and him a show he started up north then John Wick 3.

bench video tour

and getting it out of the garage video

this skid steer does it all ;)

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