Friday, December 4, 2020

Town run #2

After our usual dark start to the day I got working on a Hometalk post for the navy antique table with my first cappuccino after a shower. Time to let the kitties out into the sunshine. Water was refilled, food topped up and everyone got a bit of raw deer. I made a few trips to the garage freezer getting the last of the meat scraps to the freezer as this one is definitely not working. Harley got another bone section that kept her busy for awhile. Back inside I black waxed the antique table hauled in and staged it up.

The jewelry box was buffed, a Creative Moments sticker and care sheet added and set at door ready for pick up tomorrow. B text she would be late today and could I let Cooper out or better yet bring him to the ranch for another play day. I finished up a few things, changed out of my paint clothes, loaded Harley and was off to town at 1.

Our first stop was Paetz's to pick up a candle I purchased locally that was dropped off and visit quick then drop the finished library book off. Next it was to pick up Mr Cooper to bring to his play day. They waited for me while I ran into Walmart for a few more things then thru Tims once again to grab a tea and the beef sandwich today and some dog Timbits. I scooped the mail which had parcels on the way home and dropped the trash arrive back at 3 pm. 

I unloaded everything while the dogs went off to play, actually to chew on the spine bone for awhile. Once the ice cream was put away I heated my tea, pulled on the covies and took the dogs for a long walk. It was another beauty day at PLUS 11!! They hauled the bone along part way and left it. Cooper went back for it after our walk was over and I was brushing the heavily shedding Harley. I think it is the raw meat added to her diet that is causing this and the horrible smelling farts.

Just watch these 2 play (video)

just look at the size of the logs she is hauling all over!

Driving in the truck today at times was almost unbearable with her nasty farts. The stool customers husband stopped to pick it up before 6. I had the new candle burning and the house smelled lovely. When he came to the door she got all excited and when I asked her to sit she let off a huge stink bomb. So much for the lovely candle smell Harley! I have decided no more raw meat for a few weeks and see if her tummy gets better. She took a whole box of probiotics in November only to become the fart queen.

As he was leaving I took H to garage to feed her supper while I worked on a secret project. Seeing I had a late lunch I just had the last of the fresh bread toasted with jam, like I had for supper yesterday HAHA.

I wrote a tutorial for the sofa table and got it posted and shared and sent to the sponsor company. I was working on the blog when Britt arrived before 7:30 to pick up her "son" from day care. She put the cats away before heading home to shower and fix a meal for them. I continued computer work then moved to bed after 9 to watch a bit of Youtube then listen to a podcast. I was awoken by the barking doorbell at 11:30 when Shaina arrived home.

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