Thursday, December 10, 2020

Prince gets new kicks

H and I were up early as usual, I served the prince his coffee in bed later. After marketing I got busy cleaning my tall bathroom cupboard out completely along with the sinks. Items were purged and packaged to take to others for a nice clean update. Auntie Mindy had arranged a pick up for her table in town so I bubble wrapped it up after ok'ing with AJ pick up could be at her place.

We finished off the soup for lunch then S and I loaded up Harley and headed to town. Britt text she would be late and needed Cooper picked up. Shaina was heading to the city around 2 so got the vacuum parts ready to go with her to drop off, thanks S. Our first stop in town was to drop off the packaged table and hair products for Asher at the Paetz household. A quick peek at their paint job and visit and we were off to next stop. 

At B's I had S drill a hole in that metal that hampered us from hanging Britt's clock awhile back so we got that up. She has a small deep freeze we loaded and borrowed for the deer and sausage in the future. The dogs were loaded and on to the next stop: mark's for new boots and runners for the prince. A loop thru Tim's for a chai and gingerbread muffin then to Rona for wood for a workbench build and replacement clear coat.

It was then off to the ranch for the puppies to play, stuff unloaded and a cold beverage. I cooked us up a chicken and rice supper, yummy. Britt arrived before 7 to get her share as I was scrubbing pots and pans. She managed to do her errand during work lol. She visited then was off before 8 again putting the cats away before she went, THANKS. She also picked up a t parcel at the gate but took it home with her LOL

I wrote a tutorial for the walnut tub tray S relaxed with his phone on the couch while I hit the shower then I crawled into bed with Youtube shows after 9. He showered into bed and soon asleep. Our roommate Shaina was home at 11 pm, early tonight.

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