Saturday, December 19, 2020

Last minute shopping

Soo dark and windy but it was PLUS 4. Harley was ok going out today. We had our usual morning with caps and marketing. Time for a shower before I finished up my Christmas cards, all stamped and addressed. A gift was wrapped for my Goddaughter and everything bagged up to take to town to catch a ride to Oyen. Plants got watered and a wooden cookbook stand got cleaned up and staged to replace the mandala jewelry box on Etsy. Accounting had me out on a deposit which consumes me until I get it perfect!

Britt and Cooper stopped out before 12. She took food to Bird and fancy stud muffin treats she bought from a little girl who was fundraising to the others. She was off to town before 1 and I followed her out the gate. I dropped off the deposit at the bank along with a Christmas card for the Dowlers then went to get my favorite Opa for lunch. Sadly they have closed their doors temporarily due to covid ;(.

Walmart was next for groceries and such. You would not think there was any limitation to outings looking at the parking lots at all the big stores and once inside there really does not seem to be any less shoppers. I don't get why Kaylin's occupation is punished when they are one on one with masks and high end sanitation protocol. Lunch was a KFC twister which has been a very long time since I had one and it will be a long time in the future. It does not compare to Opa in the least.

My Christmas cards were dropped at the mailbox then off to Paetz's to drop off the Oyen package. She in turn gave me a box of kitchen gadgets the girls claimed after she put her kitchen back together. I delivered Stouts Christmas card and old house key to there front door between Amazon parcels. My last town stop was a drive thru Tims to get my chai and gingerbread muffin. The mail was picked up on the way home arriving back at the ranch at 3.

Harley was let out of her kennel; she did not want to load to go to town so that was her alternative. As I put stuff away and tried to enter my receipts she was following me everywhere like a cling on like she was before I left so off we went for a walk. We took the laneway so the kitties could join us. These animals make me laugh and are most entertaining. H and I also played some soccer ball once back, that was until she clipped me racing to the ball at the same time and I biffed 'er. LOL time to go inside.

walking my dogs video

this video shows the ranch crew at its finest

I had an early supper of chili then opened my awaited muffin for dessert to find it was NOT gingerbread but rather the gross strawberry cake ;( So disappointing. This also happened when we went to Mom and Dad's in November and my pumpkin spice was swapped for a basic bran muffin. And both from the same Tim's.

I got the jewelry box ad swapped out for the cookbook holder. Whew ads are so much work on there but then do their own work once up. I did a bit more online shopping and blog catch up. I wrote a Hometalk post for the walnut tub tray  Har and I took the kittens to the shop, opened a new bag of food and cleaned the kitty litter. They are all tucked in for the night. It was back to computer work closing it down at 10 then to bed to watch my iPad starting season 3 of The Good Fight.

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