Sunday, December 13, 2020

Goodbye food disposal

H and I were up in the dark doing our thing. We both crawled back in bed for a bit then got up and served prince his coffee and got to marketing. I headed to the garage as I was keen to try the heat gun on the painted coffee table top but no luck nor did it work well on the shellac finish on the sideboard drawer front. I put the sideboard together covered with a blanket and put under the hoist along with the coffee table and hauled out a dresser to start. It was dirty and need vacuuming then a deep scrub. S was called to trouble shoot the new hose he hooked up as it had a leak. Once all was scrubbed and rinsed it was left to dry. Of course there were areas needing clamping and a drawer that needed a paint can to straighten bottom. Once drawer fronts were dry the gouges around the knobs were filled.

Prince had the left over deer taco meat and fixings on bread for lunch, I chose yogurt and fruit and shaina had apple with PB/yogurt mixed. Shaina loaded up groceries and such and headed to Banff for the week at 1. She stays at her old place to water plants and care for the place while Jacob it away, lucky girl. Kaylin and Lexi are going to join her for a few days too seeing her job is now shut down ;(

I put a coat of clear on the dresser top then got painting the cleaned jewelry box with fancy coffees I made us. S pulled the waste disposal (GROSS) and was planning on installing the new plumbing but needed one part. darn it

it dries clear ;)

S was off to town to get a missing part he forgot before 3, B and Coop were out not long after. She was bundled up to go feed Bird and put on her winter blanket. She came in for a short visit and we attempted to fit both dog kennels in the office door which required hauling the vacuum out but in the end no luck so she put her kennel in garage and was off for home at 4.

Once back home with his part he got it all assembled and the under sink items put back in. Supper was leftovers to clean the fridge but now I may need groceries for my week ahead. I wrote a tutorial for the jumbo round bowl while Sheldon worked on his crossword. When he tested the sink he found a leak so had to fix that. We then started a new series called Kingdom and ended up watching about 4 episodes.

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