Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Year's Eve

Unfortunately there was a cloud cover so no bright shiny moon to start my day. After our usual start H and I hauled the dresser over to scrub thoroughly. I was scrubbing the garage sink when Kaylin popped her head out. She was having her morning iced coffee and some yogurt. Not long after she and Lexi were headed to the city after 11:30. She was just pulling out as the customers arrived to pick up the sofa table.

After they were loaded and off H and I went to feed, water and let cats out. 

The fog started to roll in as I  scooped poop. In short order it was completely socked in. Back inside I waxed the jewelry box and put it back together. Time to stage and get posted for sale.

white wax on left none on right

The sun started to peek thru around 2 as I was onto my next task of recovering the vanity stool. The fog rolled back in.

After I finished the stool I bundled up and took Harley for a well deserved walk. It was -1 out and the fog made a snowbow that was cool but hard to photograph. We had the kitties join us of course and some cool photos. At the end of the walk I tossed some deer meat in the snow bank for H to find and gave the kitties some too.

She's coming in hot! I love slo mo video

Can you see the snow bow?

below is a video of it

Video of Harley's meat search

Inside I got working on tutorials and marketing and had just gotten H in for her nap. B arrived with Cooper who is staying the night with me while she goes to Amber's for steak and lobster and a sleepover. She did deliver me a mozza burger for my early supper. Thanks for picking that up B. She did not stay long and was off in the rolling fog. The two dogs played hard till I called them in at 4:30 for a rest. I worked on writing an ad on Etsy for the jewelry box.

They headed back out after eating (H that is) at 6:30. I headed out and we put kitties away then too. Back inside I finished my floral stenciled dresser tutorial and got it shared. Hustlers was watched from the comfort of my cozy bed followed up by finishing my book Super Attractor. At midnight I let out Cooper and left the door open a bit for a short time as it was brisk to try the Irish tradition of letting the old year out and new year in!

Happy New Year's eve and welcome to 2021!

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