Tuesday, December 15, 2020

B's Christmas photo shoot

Harley could be an alarm clock, 7 am every day she shuffles to the hallway, shakes her head to make a noise and waits for me to come say good morning. Today I removed the lower edge clamps and added wood filler while she ate. Inside it was time for a cap and get on with marketing. I plan to get stuff moving this week. Starting with adding dark wax to the jewelry box and getting it staged up. 

Poor H has not gotten her energy burning walks so I pulled on the covies and off to let the kitties out and play some ball. We then looped the east pasture and back to the rail balancing kitties. Back inside for a cap, I actually had 3 cappuccinos by mid morning.



Mr Jenkins

the motely crew

Now onto the projects. As I was sanding I had 2 messages, one for the dresser I was currently sanding.. the customer and I chatted colors, price and other details. The second was for the nightstand. Seems it was a good thing to post the progress photos. This repeat customer wanted it to match a mirror she bought from me which is warm white LOL. Both are sending deposit to go ahead ;)

I stopped to write the Etsy ad for the latest blue jewelry box before grabbing a bite to eat for lunch before 1. B and Cooper pulled in at the same time and she joined me for lunch.. a pepperoni stick :) I also added a piece of bread hahaha

She gathered her halters and such for the pet photo shoot and we were off. Harley stayed in her kennel with a qwizel. B brushed them all and halters went on, She put the bareback pad and bridle on Pepper then her fancy Christmas necklaces on and we did a test run with just the horses. At the same time the well guys were rolling up which had their rapt attention so we got some good photos. However once I ran and got Cooper and got him up with Britt Roo was ready to check on the necklaces and the reins and move around like a little kid. The other 2 would circle the trio which had me running and shooing and pushing and moving then running back to snap pictures. Yep there were a few blurry and some not quite focused but in the end there were plenty of good ones. At least the weather was lovely now to just below zero.

like a bride and her bridesmaids hahaha

these are all off my phone, I will share some of the fancy camera ones soon
I snapped a few of Switch in one before we left. B tried KD but she was not interested in partaking. We loaded up and back to the house.

She put away tack and I got busy with projects in the garage with my sidekick Harley. B went back to feed Bird. I scrubbed the nightstand, it was grungy!! Then dried and did a few repairs. B was off for home after 3.

Next it was time to paint the dresser a coat of white. It needed some wood filled areas once done that showed with the white and left to dry. It was now after 4 and the well crew was packing up too and a beautiful golden hour opened up. B should have waited for this lighting, next time :)

I came in and worked on marketing. Britt is cooking supper but not till 7 so I ate a nut bar and typed getting some tutorials worked on. I jumped in the shower after 6 while Harley ate a late supper. I pulled on a toque and warm coat, loaded her up, put away the cats and head to Britt's by 7. No rush as she had just started her instapot chicken noodle soup but by the time it was done around 8 it was worth it. THANKS B ;) I loaded up Harley soon after finishing as she had been thru all the toys and was getting antsy. 

However not long after we got home she was in her kennel snoring as I worked on the tutorials, I finished the purple jewelry box then on to marketing. I wrapped it up at 10:30 needing some rest after such a busy day. Time to read a bit. 

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