Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Last of the beauty days

S let H out this am and gave her some food and I let her in; teamwork. A headache ailed me for the morning, grrr. Prince made coffee but I opted for cappuccinos. I did some marketing while S caught up with emails and mail then he ventured out to throw the ball for a very energetic H. I started clear coating the ruler but it seems the new clear coat is off. The second can was a bit better.

Shaina was up at 10 for her cap and computer work. She also cooked up some bacon. S caught a cat nap on the couch as I scrubbed up 3 wooden bowls and clear coated them with a bleed thru protector. I opened my new paint parcel too. Once awake he took apart the carpet beater that I worked on last week. He found it needs a new turbine so all was boxed up and will get dropped off at the vacuum place to fix.

I made bologna sandwich's for lunch. B and Coop arrived with her mcmuffin lunch having had a massage in the city this am.  She helped Shaina with her hair while I had S help me load up our old sideboard used at the grande point house that had water damage in the storage trailer. We loaded into ranger then he delivered to the back deck. I worked on scraping all the finish off the top and edges and worked on other areas too along with power sanding. It is PLUS 9 out albeit overcast the they say snow is coming and temps will go down so this is my last chance to do outside for awhile.

kitty helpers.. and dogs :)

B left Cooper here while she ran to town before 2 to meet a friend at OJ's. Sheldon had a good nap stretched out on the couch, now that I rearranged the living room big brown is no longer the spot of choice. Shaina had work calls to make and computer work. The ruler had 3 top coats put on and is complete. The bowls were started with one painted cream milk paint as well as a trinket box and the other 2 a cream chalk paint.

Sheldon took and submitted this photo of the daredevil Stella ;)

Steak supper was prepped while watching the breaking covid province shut down. Poor Kaylin is out of a job again, Prince is hoping they make him mandatorily work from home :) Britt was back in time to join us for supper which was scrumptious. Shaina was off for another call after 6:30, Britt loaded Cooper up and headed home at 7 and I headed back to the garage to add more paint and distress bowls as well as clear and dark wax the box. Brushes were cleaned up and S helped me haul the sideboard inside. He went and put the cats away for the night and cut a bone in half for H then back to his football. Seeing the gyms will be closing Sunday Shaina wanted to be sure to get some more video taped for her IG page so was off at 8.

S relaxed with his phone and TV in bed while I soaked in the tub then started my new library book Super Attractor. Shaina was home from the gym after 10 and made popcorn. She delivered me a bowl while reading, thank you! S who was sleeping woke up and was miffed he did not get any even when I left him half a bowl but he was back asleep. :)

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