Saturday, March 28, 2020

Not the plus 12 day they forecast

Sadly there was no sun upon waking but there was a large gaggle of geese eating the hay left in the far paddock for awhile. They had Bandit's attention. I only have to look where horses are looking ever to see what might be in the area.

Yesterday I did this fiddle leaf fig PSA to help my friends keep theirs thriving. Sorry in my nervousness of filming I forgot to add I water weekly or when the top 1" is dry to a poked finger, I mist every couple days and every few weeks I poke holes in the soil to aerate the roots. And now that spring is here I have started to add a bit of fertilizer to the water. Also be sure it is in a very bright spot. It is tropical after all.

I also forgot to share these funny videos of Cooper chasing snow balls last Friday. What a nut, cheap toys for this guy for sure.

I was tied up the whole morning with my cappuccinos throwing sheets in laundry, blogging, posting and sharing then dealing with Amazon and dog food being sent Canada post again. I did not even play a scrabble game LOL. I finally had a chance to go out just before noon to give KD & Bandit pills and hay only to find Lola in the garage. She had came in last night after I fed and wanted to stay. I totally forgot about her and wondered why she was so quiet all night but thought hunkered down in the wind. It was bitterly cold out there at zero, so much for the high of 12 they were calling for.

Next task was to haul in the white table and stage it. The customers will pick up tomorrow.

Finally at 1 I stopped for lunch (more Cajun turkey bake) and a few games of scrabble finally. Then it was back to blogging and tutorial writing. Stretching my legs I started sweeping in the garage but need the doors open for that chore so on to washing dog dishes. I decided I best get on with the jewelry box I was making all the moulds for and after doing another video and trying to decide what else to put on the top I went with embossing a stencil. I was just starting when Britt and Cooper stopped out just after 3. She took a pill to Pepper and check the rest of the herd.

I had finished my stencil when she was back so dressed up and headed out to take the dogs on a walk. This was torturous for Lola who found a gopher in one of the irrigation pipes. I helped her dislodge it and try and dump it out but no luck. She proceeded to use her snout and teeth and pull the metal pipe along and try to shake it. Finally I gave up and B and I headed for home but Cooper had other plans. Eventually she had to take her belt off and use as a leash.

if only the weed growth was grass growth

Lola finally came home as I was cleaning the horse trailer out and B was feeding Bandit and KD but it wasn't long till Cooper shot off and she followed. B jumped on the quad and followed to the fence then hiked across the next field after them. This took her on another near hour hike (with multiple texts and calls to me to come help) before I herd the quad and saw her herding them back. They were some dirty dogs. Cooper was given a bath on the deck and loaded up and they headed home after 5.

Lola did not get a bath but sure could use one :)

I had been putting another coat of clear wax on the table top and dealing on some furniture pieces. Tonight was a Hello Fresh meal, Italian salmon. It was good but the salad leaves quite a scented breath. Good thing it is just me here.

As the sun was setting there were rainbows on the table top sitting at the door. Must be a sign that tomorrow is going to be a beauty.

I decided not to toss any more hay seeing thee was some left from this am that they need to clean up and the uncovering piles and this evening KD had no interest in eating but was good at self exercising. Maybe she will lose weight after all :)

I worked on more blogging with a decaf cappuccino before heading to slumber scrabble time.

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