Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Lola cruises in the town car

I enjoyed a cappuccino this am as I prepped to head to town. It is my Aislyn day, albiet it will be shorter today as I also double booked my massage over the last part at 11:15. Shaina was up and getting a cappuccino on the go along with a smoothie as I headed out at 10.

Aislyn and I had a quick play time with me bribing her to put on clothes to go for a car ride. A quick drive thru the ATM then I dropped her at gymnastics catching a wee bit of Archer in action.

My massage found all kinds of really sore muscles that had to all be from the 2 boot camps. I should be good now till next week. I grabbed a soup and salad at the local health store and zipped home to eat it. The broccoli salad was OK but the butternut squash soup was not. They need my recipe for sure!

Lola has a vet appointment at 1:30, I had her loaded and tried to head out only to find that the horse trailer tires were frozen into the small pond it sat on and the truck tires would just spin in the frozen tire divots. Plan B was the Mercedes which Lola seemed to enjoy much better. It has an elevated 360 panoramic view. Once she decided she wasn't to leap over the seats (and a baby seat) it was a curious drive to the vets. Luckily Dr Becky could not find any obvious reasons for her limping sore back right leg but did her chiropractic adjustment which helped and swabbed her ears which the right one that I have been treating tested positive for a yeast infection.

Yep that is a big panting slobber down the leather seats, good thing they are easy clean.

Once loaded back in her area we set off thru town swinging thru tims to get the first cup of the new roll up the rim app only contest and a dog treat. She waited in the car while I grabbed 2 parcels and we were back home by 2:30. One of the parcels is the new stencil for the paid tutorial project.

Time to get some work done, with my chai tea I sat down and wrote the navy jewelry box tutorial and got it sent out and posted. I also created and posted the next giveaway; a bunch of wood filler tubs

The plus 4 weather held out allowing me to give horses pills and brush Lola for a bit with just my hoody on. BUT they say bad weather coming Friday ;( I then started the growth ruler for the stencil project scraping waxed ends, sanding them and spraying knots with sealer. While it dried the bread box was sanded.

Hauling the dry board inside it was painted pink on both sides and left to dry. A few more days were updated for the Belize trip. My evening viewing once in bed was starting A Fall from Grace but could only get half way thru shutting out the lights after 11:30.

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