Thursday, March 26, 2020

Horses swapped and set free

The sun was a shining for another beauty day but it was -6 at 8 am. The day did warm up to PLUS 7 which was really nice and had the fresh cover of snow from overnight again melting. Cappuccinos and a bran muffin while  I played some scrabble. It seems this game has all the Kuhn girls consumed and a few friends too. I headed out at 10 to give pills (Pepper is back on the meds too) and feed. I moved horses around putting the boys in the smaller paddock and the girls in the other. I hiked down to the far gate and opened it and closed the yard up.

After lunch I took the veggies scraps out from cleaning all the veggies for my salad. The girls hoovered them down then I led them to the gate for their great escape. At first they were worried as Pepper kept calling them but soon they settled down and got busy eating.

Back inside I wrote a tutorial on Hometalk for B's dining light I also wrote one for her vanity lights but will wait to post. Getting some hands on work done I started the arduous task of sanding the table top. I finished about 2/3 and took a break.

The table had some ink spots coming thru so they were sprayed with shellac to seal and grey dry brushed on.

It was now 4 and time for the union sanctioned cold beer break with a side of scrabble. This led to making of another Hello Fresh meal ; Cajun turkey bake while watching the news. This dish will last me for 4 meals!!

Then it was back to the computer to redo the paid Hometalk post for the growth ruler. I finished it up just in time to get to the basement for Shaina's boot camp at 7:30. Today was obliques and legs. This was followed up by hiking out to feed the boys hay and as I came thru the garage a wee bit of sanding quick. The wind picked up and blew into the night.

I wrote todays blog while trying to play scrabble on the side with a smoothie but I had to stop, finish the blog, rinse smoothie container and hit the sheets to concentrate. The players are on their games tonight. Whoever says they are bored during this isolation needs some chores, a few blogs and scrabble in their lives.

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