Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Bandit cut his leg

Coffee and catch up in bed to start the Wednesday off. We also watched some of the daily Covid updates with a bran muffin and more coffee while doing our usual marketing and internet stories. I scrubbed all the bathroom sinks clean and sanitized. The skid steer was plugged in and before lunch S went out to push snow around the yard then after a bowl of soup cleared the road.

I applied the first clear coat on the end table after lunch with the second coat an hour later. I tried the carbide scraper in between coats with not much luck. I am going to have to resort to that "environmental" stripper but researched how to make it more effective.

S text a photo of a cut on Bandits foot he saw as loading bales onto a pallet just after 3. We are all out of large bales so no more rolling a large one. Now we are going to toss the oldest small squares this week to help with weight and use them up and hope that once the hard crust snow melts a bit the horses can clean up what is in the paddocks. It just so happened Britt, Dave and Cooper pulled in a few minutes later. We caught Bandit and Bird and Britt did her majic. In the end the cut might have used a stitch but seeing we had none B just shaved, cleaned it up and sprayed with meds. She and I took them out and fed pelts. Here is the isolation crew hard at work watching after I fetched them a cold beer. The cats also got wormer after B doctored a wound on Mitzy's back.

We all went to look for a possible nail around their paddock and S drove the ranger out to rehook up the smooth wire along the west paddock that was sprung loose.  No luck on nails so not sure how he did that. The snow started to fall, perfect ski snow. Back inside it was visiting with a cold beverage and snacks and a blazing fire before they set off for home after 6.

I started prepping the next Hello Fresh recruiting S to cut the potato wedges. We were to partake in Shaina's first online boot camp at 7. However S had to start while I got the last parts done and popped into the oven. While it baked we did her 45 minute class, well done Shaina. There was only one other lady but it was nice for the first class. Shaina got word today that she is done at the end of the month and only being paid for these online classes.

S did the cool down while I made the sauce and we enjoyed the mustard herb encrusted pork. It was well cooked like S likes as well as VERY crusty potatoes but it was all good. I did some more giveaway promoting while S chatted with Ma and Pa. He also went and tossed more hay for the horses before we crawled into bed and watched Spenser Confidental.

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