Tuesday, December 31, 2019

New Decade Eve

Today we enjoyed the last coffee in bed of 2019, tomorrow is a new decade, WOW! I got to work on the blog, accounting, laundry and marketing while S relaxed and spent the day watching the junior hockey games.

At 2:30 it was PLUS 3 outside, S went to fill the skid steer with fuel and I followed him giving Pep and Daisy their pills and Bandit an apple just cause he is so sweet. Daisy was fitted up with a blanket and released into the melting snow paddock. S backed the truck and trailer in their spot and I cleaned out the poop which he ran to the pit. It was so nice out temperature wise, if the sun shone it would be the perfect NYE day but we will take what we got.

Naptime for the prince now as I sanded the silverware chest and continued to work on blog tutorials before getting ready for our evening out. For our last supper of 2019 we had an amazing barbecued steak (weather perfect) with baked potato and corn, amazing! The egg lady delivered a couple dozen while we were finishing up, great service right?

 Snapchat filter fun

Britt dropped Cooper off after 6:30 then she was off to Edmonton to spend New Years with Dave. Cooper got to play with Lola for half an hour as I finished the bean dip. Once he was in and the goodies loaded, we were off to Stouts for our evening of celebrating at 7:30.

Chanel snuggles

In usual Sharon style there was lots of food to be eaten as 4 couples caught up. Lots of laughs and memories were shared before ringing in the new decade and heading home just after 2. Sheldon unwisely let Cooper out and then went to bed leaving me to wait up for him. I watched an episode of You before getting him back in at 3:30. The year is starting out with not much sleep ;)

HAPPY new decade friends!

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