Monday, December 16, 2019

Custom not custom

I was awake at 8 as I have to get horses to Moore's this am for a 10 am appointment but it turns out B slept in too. S made coffee and I enjoyed 1 before getting ready and heading out to catch. Bandit was easy as was giving Pepper and Daisy their pills. Roo however was being naughty. S had come out after me to start the skid steer to roll out a bale. After I had Bandit loaded and ready to roll just after 9 S went to roll and after over half an hour I finally caught naughty Roo and loaded her up. We were on the road just before 10.

I grabbed clean halters off my clothes line ;)

We made it a bit late at 10:45 due to Roo but the team was ready to go when we arrives.  Bandit was first, starting with his rescope which looked really good followed by a quick teeth straightening after 10 years of not seeing a dentist.

Roo had her adjustment and we had them loaded back up in an hour. I made a quick stop at tim's for a chai tea and gingerbread muffin for the road home.

Roo watches Bandit's procedures before her own

I unloaded them, shoveled out the poop and was back inside by 1. Time to quickly do some marketing as it has been lacking. More custom pieces were dropped off just after 2; a long dresser and armoire. Turns out the fellow works at Suncor Fort Hills as well. After they were off I finished the tutorial for the milk painted chair. It has been a long time since I had a Creative Moments post.

In the garage I glued and clamped the dresser based pulled off while moving in as well but then found black mold on the base. Seeing it is on the pressboard areas I was hesitant to go further so sent a video to the customer. They went back and forth in their decision but by the end of the night they decided to not have it painted and pick up tomorrow. I just lost $800 in custom painting but feel mold is not worth it, am I crazy?

After supper the wind started to howl with the chinook raising the temp to -1. I finished my puzzle while watching the last few episodes of Glow Up catching the finale with a smoothie in bed.

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