Sunday, December 8, 2019

Double Etsy sale day Sunday

4:44 was my first wakeup, do you ever wake to a number series? A few more wakeups and checks as Lola was on high alert. I feel like the coyotes are trying to find the frozen one in the shed. Back to sleep I woke for the day at 8:30 and jumped into my coveralls and got things done. The snow had arrived overnight and lots of it. I love a fresh layer of snow to look clean and sparkly.

Daisy was first out after her meds and blanket put back on and hay taken to her eat paddock. Then it was Bandits turn for meds and hay then the rest of the frost covered herd. While packing a huge tub of hay Roo did a quick turn and bowled me over sending the hay into its own piles LOL B and I are now even after she was bowled over by Switch when Sheldon shot a rifle near them.

Bandit enjoying breakfast

I also awoke to an Etsy sale; the white silverware chest!! Now to bundle it up and get a shipping label and get it ready to head to Illinois after my table customer popped out to see the table test center. She did feel the grey wash was too cool but loved the technique. She choose a tan color instead to go with cream and light grey and was on her way.

Once I had the parcel done up I got busy on her table tops dry brushing the tan then giving them all the tan glaze wash. This takes allot of time as glaze marks to whatever you drag or leave but eventually it was done. The light grey and warm white were dry brushed over. I was just finishing up after 2 when Cooper and Britt arrived.

She caught Bird and fed her then swapped for Bandit. She and I finished his feet while she also caught Roo and we did hers too after she worked with her in the arena for a bit. Then Daisy was brought in for a bandage change, her blanket removed and a new neck slinky added hoping it would keep her warm when joining the herd hopefully tomorrow as well as helping to prevent more hair loss. The slinky however may be ruined in her efforts to try.

B and Coop then loaded up and were off to town taking a bag of icing sugar to really make cookies this time. As well she took my Etsy parcel and dropped it off to make its way south. THANKS! I got back to work on the table tops swapping the tape to the other side and doing the bread board sides.

As I was doing so the cash register chime went off with another Etsy sale: the antique divided crate. When I finished up the glaze I came in to eat the chicken casserole day #3 and get a box sorted for the crate. I had to cut down a box but got it boxed up and the label printed and affixed. THANK YOU Etsy customers!

When I finished up the edge painting I pulled off the tape and DAM! Wouldn't you know it, one of the tops that had a smooth finish had areas that lifted from the tape. This required repainting!! 

I finished it up in time to go move Daisy back into the stall for what I hope is her last night there, She got her meds and stall fluff then Bandit who I had to hike out and find in the dark near the shelter. He did come back for his hay I tossed. Inside it was time to call it a night and crawl into bed and finish season 4 of Outlander shutting it all down before 1 am. It was a double good single bad kinda day :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures of the horses and the sunset/rise.
