Monday, December 23, 2019

Last minute jobs

The fog remains thru the night and most of the morning. It was -1 thru the night and looks like same today. With my morning caps I made a new Facebook cover photo and wrote a Christmas email to my Creative Moments subscribers.

I had the dresser at the garage door for pick up when the customer and her 17 year old brother arrived to pick it up. Of course in true style there was a minor accident as I was moving it which required a panicked touch up! We got it loaded in the back of her SUV and it fit with zero room to spare.

I painted the first coat of black milk paint on valet then ran to town to pick up a turkey. I had ZERO luck at the first two stores I went to but Co-op had a big stock. However they were either small 10 pounders or large $5/lb butterballs. Small it is :) I let Cooper out for a pee and grabbed a Starbucks on the way home. This used up my gift certificate and my new years resolution is to not buy them anymore. They taste great for the first few sips but quickly cool and turn to a cup of sugar ;( I will stick to my homemade cappuccinos and my chai teas.

I think I made a great replica piece!

look at Britt's little tree with all her years of ornaments ;)

Back home I unloaded quick then went out to give horses pills and an apple treat seeing them followed me to the house as well as lock them in the paddock for easier catching later today. I shovelled all the walks and parked the truck and trailer out of the way for Mom's arrival with her trailer.

The valet was painted a second coat then I hauled the silverware chest inside to paint a navy milk paint. I was just finishing when Mom pulled in close to 4:30. I parked her truck and unloaded Jessie to her pen before we visited and ate some pizza. The fog rolled in soo after she arrived creating a cool landscape.

Before 6:30 we headed out to catch the crew of 4 to go: Jessie, KD, Pepper and Bandit. It was an occasional fog patch drive with us arriving about 7:15. Britt followed us in to his yard. We were the only ones for the evening so Murray took his time working on the 4 and explaining. We loaded them all up after 9 and headed back home. B went to her place. At the ranch after they were unloaded, I put Daisy's slinky on as the cold temps are to return. I tossed a bale for Jessie and Bandit (who I put in with her for company) opened their paddock gate and was inside just before 10. The valet was touched up a bit having to wait now for the routering.

Shaina arrived not long after as we visited over a tea with Sheldon making it home thru the fog, it was for Shaina's drive home too. We all visited before calling it a night before midnight.

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