Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Bandit returns to the ranch

Today was a bit brisker with -2 when I gave Daisy her meds and put her outside in the round pen. A huge wind rolled thru at 9:30, yikes but at least sun is out. It continued for most of the day.

my violet is blooming GGK :)

I had signed up for a new Hometalk blogger program and had an hour online meeting about it. While I listened I wrote another Hometalk post for the red stool. I then got busy cleaning house and setting up the Christmas tree from the front door... by set up I mean 5 minutes and boom it was up and box back outside. No mice seemed to be in the box now ;)

Daisy was given her mid day steroid injection. Late afternoon I headed out to work on more sanding of the black painted wooden chair. Note to self, don't buy sloppy painted furniture, it is too much work to revive!!

this was yesterday's progress, below look at the bottom, oh my and you cant see all the drips either ;(

I had been waiting for confirmation that I could haul Daisy over to Moore's for a bath when Bandit was ready for pick up. B messaged that at the end of work today would work so just before 4 I went out and loaded Daisy up along with Bird's zebra cooler, a towel and a water bottle for the road. I was off to town by 4:11 and as I got closer it started to snow.

above turning onto #1 and below increased snow turning on Klaiber trail

Seeing she would be late I ran by her condo, let Cooper out for a pee then loaded him up in the truck and off we went.

The snow let up outside town but the highways were very icy in spots. After a brief wobble I slowed right down but managed to beat Britt and Dr Jordan to the clinic as they were held up in traffic coming from Millarville. I was there by 5:30 so took Cooper for a quick walk before they arrived. Shaina and Jacob were not far behind and after biopsy stitches were removed by B and the leg bandage and she was given a much improved thumbs up from Dr Jordan the deep cleaning spa began.

take your dog to work day :)

 Daisy says enough guys

Shaina and Jacob got her good and clean, squeegeed off, fluffed dry and the cooler blanket put on. Good job you two!! B caught Bandit and loaded him up followed by Daisy. We all were on the road heading in our home directions after 7. B made a detour thru Tim's to grab me a chai tea and met me on a pull out before Stoney, THANKS B!

Then it was the slow drive home keeping it safely between the ditches arriving at 8:30. B was there ahead of me and had put one bale out in the barn paddock for sir Bandit. She gave his throat solution then both went into the barn. We trimmed his awfully long feet and tucked Daisy into her stall. B swapped her blanket for a thicker turnout and I added shaving, hay, fresh water and food for her and gave her her last oral antihistamine dose. Bandit went out to his new accommodations then we went over the new meds then B and Cooper were off for home before 10.

Thank goodness I cooked an extra chicken fillet last night and had left over veggies from awhile back to provide me sustenance but the bonus was cheesecake I found in the freezer!! Once I was all cozy in my bed I caught up on a few Outlander episodes on Netflix.

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