Monday, December 30, 2019

Chair sale & Horse Chiro Monday #2

I made a cappuccino while I did marketing work. Prince made his coffee once he woke and kicked back in bed with it eventually moving to the island to watch the junior hockey game. I worked on taking down Christmas and tidying with a break for a customer to stop and pick up the green chair just after 11.

By noon it was all down inside and neatly put away in the furnace room. Once the game ended and having had a hot turkey sandwich S went out at 2 to give horses pills who were in for water and haul the tree, angel and other deck decorations back to the mezzanine. Then it was inside for a nap in big brown.

Shaina was not up until after lunch having a headache affecting her day. She tried a shower and a cappuccino and then a nap on the couch to rid it but no real luck. She has training today and then off to stay at Drumheller with Kaylin tonight to do wedding makeup for Lynda's wedding tomorrow.

Floors vacuumed and house tidy ready for 2020. Isn't that crazy how fast time flies? I remember the whole new millennium chaos which is now 20 years ago. Time for a whole new decade. Do you have any goals or resolutions for the new year?

Updating the sale sites to the chair sale and chatting back and forth with a potential buyer for the 4 poster bedframe from Edmonton was my next task along with boring laundry. Shaina had cancelled for 3 o'clock but was off to train Sharon and the rest of her day at 4. Not long after we unloaded the black TV cabinet out of the horse trailer into the barn and I put in new shavings. It was another day around zero degrees.

S made supper; chicken wings and his go to side dishes, KD and frozen peas. Thanks, anything I don't have to cook is a bonus ;)

At 6 we were off catching 4 horses at the far gates; Bird, Roo, Switch and Miss Daisy. Seeing everything went really fast to catch there was time to swing by the grocery store for a gallon of milk and we were still early to the chiropractor arriving by 6:45. I had them all unloaded and Switch being checked out first (no real issues, yeah) when Britt arrived from work grabbing Cooper on her way by.

not sure what my camera was doing in the cold 

Cooper was adjusted and given a new stretch exercise then popped back in the car to wait out the horses adjustments. Bird and Roo had things to work out and Daisy was like Switch, no real issues but we did chat about her skin issues. He feels it might be sugar intolerance as he has seen quite a few this year. We are going to try some unusual treatments by blanketing her and adding some high fat to her diet to trick her brain. By 9 we had them loaded and headed back to the ranch where they were released back into the herd.

Shaina was back from her work day, cleaned up the left over chicken wings and packed up to meet Kaylin in town. They are off to do makeup for Lynda W's wedding tomorrow staying in Drumheller night. Amanda is a bridesmaid too so will be a fun day. S and I caught up on 3 episodes of Vikings before calling it a day. Of course I had to watch an episode of You in bed before shutting my light off.

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