Monday, July 22, 2019

Spray paint day and another Etsy sale

My morning was spent marketing, doing touch ups, packaging up the tray to mail to Edmonton, cleaning, labelling finished pieces and staging a few photos.

Then it was off to work on projects; the white pieces got another coat, the hardware for the end tables was sprayed soft flat iron black,

the hand crafted lazy susan was spray painted a soft green,

and the rocking horse base was spray painted a soft brown.

The day got really hot so all paint was drying very fast. SO were my plants so I took a break and hand watered the raised beds, pots and plants around the garden shed.

I came in for a frosty refreshments at 4:30 and while making heard a sale notification for Etsy. The photo tray I posted last night was sold to a lady in Ontario. Wow, so now to box it up well seeing it has a glass base. Two parcels are now ready to be dropped off at the post office tomorrow, yeah!

The clouds covered the sun around 5 which was a relief to the horses I am thinking. I cooked up more veggies and a spinach protein smoothie for a late supper then went out to give supplements to horses and clean up in garage.

Then it was time to write sales ads for the wine rack and wine box on Etsy. They sure take allot of time to create ads here but when they sell they are for more $$. S arrived home just before 11 bearing a load of mail he grabbed on his way by.

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