Saturday, July 20, 2019

Krista's wedding

Rain same down again around 7:30, must be good luck for Krista's wedding today ;) After perusing Instagram I was off to let out Lola and make my cap and do some marketing. I quickly sprayed a few places on the end tables where there was some bleed thru and left to dry coming back in to write a tutorial on the blue magazine rack.

I had planned to have Amanda curl my hair today but with the damp weather I decided to keep it straight so time to shower up. While it dried I headed to the garage, sanded the end tables and gave them another coat.

The other white pieces were sanded and distressed while the milk painted towel holder was white waxed. What a great job when you can do all this in a fuzzy blue house coat ;)

I staged the wine crate with my peony before it fades

Lunch was yet another bowl of hamburger soup, one pot can feed me all week. I got ready then worked on more tutorials and laundry while waiting for Britt. She arrived after 3, quickly got ready and we were off.

It rained a bit on the way but when we met Shaina at the venue and got to the outdoor ceremony the sun popped out perfectly for the nuptials. The Stout girls look lovely and the bride radiant, Darren and Sharon were looking fab too.

We did make a quick run to Okotoks for a Starbucks coffee compliments of Britt between the reception and the dinner. The dinner and evening was really lovely with the more intimate gathering of under 100 in this rustic setting.

and look, my frame I made Krista for her shower was holding their baby photos ;)

Britt was worried about Cooper being outside in the rain and Shaina had a birthday party to get to so we said our goodbyes before 10 and set off for home. Sure enough Coop was ready to come into the warm house, Lola not so much and took over an hour to convince her to do so.

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