Monday, July 1, 2019

Happy Canada Day!!

Happy Canada Day everyone!!! It looks like it will be a great day. I was up and marketing before 8, I wrote a tutorial for the red chair. S prepped coffee around 9 and enjoyed a relaxing morning. He did go out and spray the trees with soapy water in hopes of getting rid of this tree scale. I weeded; an on going process. B was up fairly early on her day off too for a coffee. I finally put together a frame of the ASH show ribbons from exactly a year ago yesterday.

She did venture out before lunch to vacuum out her car then to town to try and clean carpets. I hauled out the table saw and cut some pieces for the custom ordered faux tin tiles. When cut I sanded and embossed them.

S enjoyed time in big brown prepping for his travel day. While the tiles dried I cleaned up another jewelry box and painted it a coat of a new pink I got then I was back to working on the tiles. S sprayed the tree with malathion after his nap before heading to the airport after 2:30.

B napped too as I worked on the custom chair. It was very wobbly so I took apart the front legs to find a snapped off screw. Once the holes were cleaned out I reglued it all, put back in the new and old screws and left it to dry well. The tiles had 2 more colors added.

It was now about 3:30 and seeing it was so lovely I decided I would ride so changed into jeans. Once out there I changed my mind and caught Daisy to trim her feet first. B joined not long after and caught Roo to learn how to stand. It wasn't too long and a huge dust storm then some rain blew in making for a crappy day.  We finished the feet then let them go heading in for a bite to eat.

job hazard with what I thought was a getting dull knife!!

The metallic table was picked up part way thru the feet trimming too.

I put another coat of paint on the jewelry box as B went out to sort horses into paddocks, put on Bird's rain sheet and replenish the salt/mineral and filled far paddock water tub, good job B! They are forecasting a rainy week, lets see as only a few drops today so far.

B was then back to her Netflix and after working on the blog some while watching Instant Hotel I headed back ot the garage. This time I sanded the pink jewelry box and black waxed the tiles.

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