Friday, March 8, 2019

Rosie keeps busy

Rosie got to work at 9 as I was letting Lola out, she is a keeper I think. S got coffee brewing and back to comfort of his bed to peruse the net. Marketing for me when I remembered we forgot to feed Bones last night. I started the truck and S ran over to give him food and check the horses. I was off to sand the table and apply a coat of white stain oil. Once Rosie was charged back up from her main floor job I set her to work in B's room.

Hello Fresh #4 was our big lunch of the day, today it is BBQ roasted chicken breasts with veggies. Another success but I did find the BBQ flavor a bit spicier then I liked, nor did I eat the peppers, of course S loved it all.

I set Rosie to work in S's room and headed back out to start the second table while S caught a nap on this overcast day. After his nap S went out in the now PLUS 1 later afternoon to push snow around for an hour then back to the big comfy chair. The table was given two coats of white milk paint and left to dry while we had left overs for supper.

Sports night for the prince. Layers of grey and 2 more whites were added to the coffee table. The tall table had some grey added then both were sanded well and coated with white stain oil and left to dry.

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