Monday, March 25, 2019

Ride #3

I was awake mid sleep and the fog was still socked in but when I woke at 6:30 it was gone. From then on it was a broken sleep with S even heading down to the big brown with his phone and a hanky soon after. The morning was dreary and over cast and cool.

My morning project was to scrub up and prep the nightstands to get them started while S rolled out a bale quick for the horses then got cozy in big brown again to nap and catch up online.

they came running to the bale so excited and 

 full of spice

Big bird even biffed it but got right back up to pirouette

S cooked up some sausage for lunch. Jacob arrived after 1 to drop off some fuel then wait for Shaina to arrive which was about 1:30. She brought Lexi too who will be staying with me for a couple weeks. The girls go to Montreal Wednesday where Kaylin is a bridesmaid for her good friend Jenna on the w/e.  Prince packed up and was off to the city for his flight north, they ate then we went out to catch horses and ride.

The day was supposed to by warm at 10 and finally the sun peeked thru as we caught them and was full on by the time we rode. And it warmed from plus 2 to 9 in short order. It was a really nice ride getting back before 4. Shaina let horses roll and out while I gave Bird her meds then she was off to train and boot camp. Jacob and I enjoyed a cold beer before he set of for the city. It was now 13 out.

Lexi is a sun seeker ;)

I got busy painting the nightstands their first coat of white paint. Once it was complete I came in and made spaghetti eating late again but before Shaina was back after 9. I had a vanity booked to be dropped off tomorrow but the lady messaged tonight she needed to postpone, that is the second of the week I had slated in ;( BUT then a lady I had changed a quote for her bedroom suite to higher messaged she would like to do it ;) as well another friend custom chose my last unpainted silverware chest. I guess I? really can't plan a week can I?

Shaina crawled into bed with me, she worked on her new strength program for Sharon while I watched Amy Schumer Growing.

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