Monday, March 11, 2019

Roo returns to the ranch

It was an overcast dreary day but it will be warm finally with a chinook in effect. Coffee was enjoyed while catching up on social media. Shaina grabbed a cup on her way out the door for her 10 consult, sadly the lady was a no show ;( She did have a training session at 10:30 and noon so that was ok. Marketing and sorting photos and setting up blog posts filled my morning. S rolled out a bale for the horses then caught some time in big brown for some R&R before he was off to the airport.

He was going to catch a nap after lunch before going as I headed off at 1 to pick up Roo. Britt and Dr Jordan stained and checked her eye, flushed her other eye's duct and removed the staples and eye tube. Within the hour we had her loaded up in the trailer and on our way home. It was about 7 above in the city but around 3 when back at the ranch.

close up of her eye and her staples in her head holding the tube

sedated with her lead "soother"

flushing out her left nasal - eye tube, watch to end to see it squirt out eye

removing the eye tube

The herd was not to sure about this medicinal odd smelling horse with the batman mask and there was allot of running and sweating happening. Shaina was back home when I arrived working on her meal plans for clients. I watched the horses while chatting with her then bundled up and she dropped me at the far gate with Roo's blanket I was going to put on her. Shaina was then off to her evening double boot camps.

The chasing and freedom had Roo not wanting to be caught so eventually I just caught Switch and trudged her thru the deep snow to the barn paddocks with Roo right behind us. Once they were locked in though Switch was distraught she was cut off from the herd. I made my way back and caught KD and took her to join them. Both she and Switch have a date with the farrier in the am so having them close to the barn will be helpful. I put out hay then filled the salt/mineral tubs in both pastures. I tried to lure Roo to water as she has been eating so much fresh snow (the sulfur water at Moore's is not good) but she never quite made it. She did drink from the puddle of melting snow by the shop and she was ok eating there alone for bits at a time.

Instead of drinking from the waterer she is on this ice patch!! but then found the hay

The sun popped out as it went below the chinook arch as the winds picked up.

look at that chinook arch, the snow looks like sand

They increased as I headed inside to cook up tuna casserole for supper.

I ate a bowl when it was done and another when Shaina arrived before 9. We had a catch up then both of us went off to each have a bath and hit the hay. Well actually I watch the Netflix movie Walk, Ride, Rodeo about the young barrel racer paralyzed. It was ok, the acting could have been better.

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